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Bob in SC

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Everything posted by Bob in SC

  1. T his is maybe not what we want to hear and hope for, but a voice of rationality nevertheless. Let's see what he can do before getting too carried away. I'm just hoping he will be OK this year and that (plus what we have at other positions) will be enough to make the playoffs.
  2. Yes, an hour with my late father would be the best of all. But, since that is impossible, I want to just spend time with my adult kids. That's all. No gifts needed.
  3. Somehow, this ranking does not tempt me to move back to the Big B for a "better quality of life." I don't buy it. Perhaps, it is because I used to live on the East side of Transit Road but near enough to Pfohl Road and what we then refered to as good old contaminated "Lake Polio," still seen from the Williamsville exit of the Thruway. We spent many Summer nights hoping for an easterly wind so we didn't have to smell this nauseating (and health threatening) site.
  4. Offensively, Don Beebe (fast!) and OJ. Talk about an exposive offense! OK, OJ may have had some minor character problems later in life. Defensively, Bruce (of course) and Cornelius Bennett.
  5. No surprises here. Would an experienced QB look for a proven star WR or an unproven rookie? Duh! Then, after the rookie proves himself, the QB looks to him more frequently. What intelligent QB wouldn't do the same. You can't fault DB for this one. Even a dyed in the wool Drew hater (and there are many on TSW) would have to agree with what he did. Right?
  6. I know I said I would NOT contribute to this transparent attempt to reach 1000 posts, and I am a man of my word. But someone with white hair and looking a lot like TD has been doing some funny things with the male squirrels in my backyard. Do you think?
  7. Good coaching (better technique) can improve play, but also can help to cut down on injuries. Hopefully, that will happen in Buffalo for Gandy.
  8. I told you last night, I REFUsE to contribute to this transparent effort to reach 1000 replies. And, I mean it!
  9. One more. Get off TSW and enjoy it before you start to take it for granted and boredom sets in.
  10. This reply is serious (you deserve at least one). Do NOT merge your finances or buy high ticket items together. Keep your assets separate, should it not work out. You can merge them later if you opt for a legally binding arrangement (marriage). Good luck!
  11. Wasn't it what was said civil rights riots in LA or DC during the late 1960s. A quote from Stokely Carmichael (or was it H. Rap Brown or someone similar)? Then again, it might have been said while burning the American Flag or draft cards during anti-Viet Nam protests. I USED to know - does that get me a drink?
  12. Of course, Bocce's is nothing compared to Papa John's! And forget that beef on weck garbage - give me an Arby's on a hamburger roll! Yuuuum!
  13. Yes, do tell. You know you want to!
  14. Yes, but we both forgot to mention that there have been no repeat customers (and few complaints).
  15. Yes, a great movie with two of the best actors of our time. Check it out.
  16. I refuse to participate in this assinine thread just so it can reach 1000 replies.
  17. Not for long - I understand sales have been dead.
  18. Yes, John & Mary's gets my vote too. It's the rolls. Does anyone know if Mary is still living? Two years ago, she was still making subs at the J&M on Transit Road in Depew. She said she was ready to quit though. Sweet lady! She had to be about 85, since she and her husband were running the first place (called simply "Johnny's) on Harlem (?) when I first discovered them in about 1958! And they were no kids then. Johnny passed away at least 25 years ago. I remember him as always working over a hot grill wearing a dirty white tee shirt. Nice, overweight guy who, come to think of it, looked a lot like my avatar! Oh and for the record, a capicola sub (called a "regular" back then) cost 50 cents! Sigh!
  19. I can't believe that there are actually Buffalonians raving about the quality of Quisno or Subway subs (national chains). And here I am, dreaming about a John & Mary's capicola or Italian sausage! Unfair!
  20. Yes, Maurice Bessinger's Piggy Park and his racist ideas live on. But there are better places for Bar BQ, and they don't carry the baggage.
  21. In defining the problem, I lean in the direction of breeding -- the owners, perhaps more than the dogs. Too many cretins attempt to turn a quick buck by just producing more dogs (while so many potentillly loving mutts - are euthenized every day) for a quick sale. As one poster noted, dog breeding (done right) is not a big profit operation. But these losers disregard a dog's temperament, genetically transferable defects, etc. in order to make a few quick bucks. We need to shut down these "people" who run the puppy mills that have made pit bulls, Rottweilers, etc. into unpredictable time bombs and turn dog breeding over to responsible, intelligent, caring people who genuinely care about dogs, not the beer money they can provide or the lottery tickets they can buy.
  22. Try talking to God. He always answers his calls, and carries a little more clout than either Greenspan or Bush. He also has accomplished some things prior to the '05 season, which is more than we can say about JP!
  23. IMO she deserved it and was amply warned. Let's not forget the other reason why she should have been charged as per a very old Stan Freberg satire on the Jack Webb Dragnet series -- a 412. "And, I've also got you on a 412." "A 412 (screams the culprit, a dragon), "What's a 412?" "Overacting."
  24. The Doat was one of those one-on-every-block neighborhood bars with a rear family entrance. Our church ball team (and wives and girlfriends) went there in the mid-60s after games at Schiller Park. $1 pitchers and those big 1 cent pretzel sticks. Many happy memories. You should have stopped in!
  25. Yes, but did they give 110% percent? Someone please explain to me how that is possible!
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