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Bob in SC

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Everything posted by Bob in SC

  1. There are some very funny links on TSW. Sorry, but I don't think this is one of them. I guess none of you has ever had a developmentally disabled friend or relative or worked with these folks. You have been blessed - be thankful.
  2. "Do you have anything lighter?" "Oh Miss, I speak jive!" Nun's life magazine.
  3. "He thinks he's Ethel Merman."
  4. Thanks for helping to give the AFC (the old AFL) respectability, Hank. RIP.
  5. This was not a world class line that he was attempting to run behind. Give him a break! He is an above average NFL running back and worth more than a "shot in the dark" fourth or fifth round draft choce. Personally, I like the guy. He gave his all, and I appreciate that.
  6. Have to agree. This is not some journeyman loser of a RB here. He's a starter on most teams. And, I still think he would be a very cheap insurance policy for 2005 if Willis stumbles, for whatever reason. Get value or keep him!
  7. Thank you. It's reassuring to know that I was not hallucinating after all.
  8. It seems to me that you are the one most worked up by it all. Others just used the occasion to express some beliefs and feelings about Willis, some of which probably had little or no basis in fact but made for some interesting reading while we bide the time for a few more weeks. Still others explained why the idea that I proposed could not have been correct, and as I noted, that was helpful. It's exactly what I wanted. However, many thanks to you for telling me the REAL reason why I started the thread. What a talent! I'll be sure to check with you the next time I wonder why I really did something! Seriously, much of the content of this board this time of year (that which is not plain OT) is based on rumors, subjective impressions, hearsay, and wishful thinking. Check out some of the more recent threads. There's just not much "factual" out there right now. But, would we want it any other way? Not only does that make for some interesting discussions, it also helps to put misinformation to rest - as apparently happened here. I think we are all here to learn and to engage in a little debate; at least I am. I wouldn't want this to be nothing more than a newsletter.
  9. I honestly don't recall where I got this impression - probably just from talk and speculation, some of it maybe here on the Wall. The idea probably came in part (as you and FFS suggested) from a combination of Drew's planting ideas for future negotiations and WM's choosing to work out on his own a while back. I appreciate the clarification from you and others. As pointed out by several posters, the issue MAY be one for next year. And, that could be a good thing, since it would mean that he will have had a highly productive 2005! Here's hoping.
  10. Interesting posts (about WM ), but am I the only one who wonders about a connection between threats by WM's agent and TD's reluctance to give up TH for a bargain basement price? Does it make sense to anybody?
  11. I do not check the Wall daily, so this may have been discussed ad nauseum. But, how many of you who follow this much more closely than I do are thinking that just MAYBE Willis' threats to hold out are more serious than we initially thought (remember his agent), and that TD's reluctance to just give Travis away for whatever he can get is because he thinks there is a real possibility that we will need him as our starting back? Sorry if this is an old idea, but maybe it's worth revisiting during this no-news time.
  12. Thanks for the update. I have e-mailed him again and encourage the other "old timers" to do the same. It can really help him and his wife at a very diificult time.
  13. Jim Morrison, Bobby Darin, Buddy Holly, Minnie Riperton. Am I old, or what?!
  14. Beebe! #2 is (prepare for an assault) ------ Doug Flutie!
  15. Happy BD to you both. I enjoy your posts!
  16. Congratulations on your ability to spell a three letter word! (I was only trying to avoid the word police, in case you were unable to figure that out).
  17. OK, especially those of you who live in Buffalo and have asked for autographs, tried to have a conversation, etc. Who is number one in arrogance, rudeness, and self-importance? Share your nomination and the reason.
  18. Maybe I missed it, but can we ignore my favorite, Airplane? "Billy, have you ever been in a plane before? Billy, have you ever been to a Turkish prison? Billy, have you ever seen a grown man naked?" or, "I picked a bad time to -----"
  19. Maybe he wanted a good academic education while playing basketball. Incredibly, that can happen at Duke! They attract some SMART kids who, believe it or not, are true STUDENT-athletes! Probably a better choice than that other place where Travis Henry attended!
  20. She is either (a) a very sick, pathetic person, or (b) a very smart person who knows how to promote a book and to make money off a stunt. Personally, I vote for the former? What do others think?
  21. The greater concern might be center. If Tucker is out, we have just a rookie for a back-up, right?
  22. Bob Kaufman anybody? That name must bring back memories for some of you former Braves fans.
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