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Bob in SC

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Everything posted by Bob in SC

  1. Prediction - he will take over at LT when it becomes obvious that Gandy is not up to the task. Other opinions?
  2. Do we need a RIGHT tackle?
  3. Chris, Our thoughts and prayers are with you. My wife and I are both cancer survivors. We find many more, wherever we go. Join the gang!
  4. What would my grandfather (who died in 1957) think if he went out for a cold one and the bar menu featured Buffalo wings and chicken fingers? Would he stop drinking?
  5. Would anyone care to comment on the possible effect of the Pats killer schedule (especially the first half)? For that matter, the Bills will face a tougher schedule in '05 than last year too, but that has already been discussed, as I recall.
  6. As my mother used to say, "The more I see of people, the better I like my dog!" Congrats from one dog lover to another!
  7. Would anybody dare challenge you for the "longest posts" award? No way! You have a rare talent to say in 10,000 words what could be said in ten. It's a gift (along with some pretty good Bills' analyses). Celebrate it! (and don't stop).
  8. Somehow, the phase "Get a life!" comes to mind. Or, if you prefer, a Biblical quote: "And they think they shall be heard for their much speaking." When did quantity become confused with quality? (Now, that should provoke a response from our female posters and others!) Have fun!
  9. July 13th. Thread about a rumor that Thurman will be traded to the Seahawks! Check it out!
  10. Thnks. TH, and best of luck. You always gave your best.
  11. Makes sense to me.
  12. Just confirmed live - "he is a Bills fan." OK, a step in the right direction.
  13. OK, you don't like agents. But aren't they just doing their jobs - getting the best possible deal for their clients, even if it entails a bit of deception? Sounds a lot like defense lawyers, right? (And, we have a few of them on the TSW, if I recall.) Nevertheless, give Drew credit this time. In his personal (versus agent) role, he saved a child. Good for him! (And I do appreciate your "hold out" addition to this post. Funny!
  14. Yes, give him a break. Does anyone seriously think that reacting quickly to save a child's life was a publicity stunt! Come on!
  15. Drew is very good at what he does, whether we like it or not. Is he unethical - probably. Would I want him for my agent - oh, yes. Would I be grateful that he saved my child (and he did), you bet! Even a jerk can perform a good deed.
  16. Eyes Wide Shut and, yes, another vote for Waterworld and Ishtar.
  17. Don't forget the $ factor. Travis was popular at Tennessee. He will fill a lot of seats for the Titans, especially when they are likely to have a less than exciting, rebuilding year. I don't think they will regret the trade, and we did OK too. Win-win.
  18. Toyotathon! Loud, obnoxious announcer and those smiling, laughing people swarming all over the car lot like they are giving them away and they have to claim one in the first 5 minutes or be left out. Yeeeech! When has that ever happened? In the real world, it's some poor schmuck who stumbles in to use the rest room and three slick guys in bad suits descend on him trying to make a sale.
  19. CTM, Believe it or not, we are not that far apart on this one (despite the fact that you earlier described me as a "sanctimonious prick.") All I said is, it is much more complex than a simple cause-effect relationship. Many years ago, I was taught such simplicities as "Schizophrenia is caused by poor mothering" and other such sexist tripe that dismissed all behavioral problems as the fault of bad parenting. Of course, thanks to medical science, we now know that nothing is that simple, right? Many factors, including parenting, contribute to it. All I was attempting to do was to help Melissa to get off the "What did I do wrong" kick. Don't you know people who were great parents whose kids turned out to be real rotters and really bad parents who, somehow raised kids who became responsible, productive adults? It happens, and neither you or I have the equation at this time. Maybe someday....
  20. Interesting. Glad to see you up and posting! Get well soon.
  21. Whatever you do, do not confuse the Big Tree Inn with the Old Log Inn. And, it is considered impolite to interrupt couples in parked cars to ask, "How far is the Old Log Inn?"
  22. Thanks for the tip. I'll check it out.
  23. Thank you for your intelligent, thoughtful response to Melissa's problem. "The parents suck" - and the basis for this profound comment is what?
  24. Let's admit it - Canadian Bill knows how to get our attention! Look how many people have read his post! Smart man.
  25. Melissa, If it's any consolation, you may have done NOTHING wrong. Every year, we learn more about the origins of human behavior and how parenting is a much smaller part of the equation than we once thought. Body chemistry, genetics, peer pressure, and many other factors go into the mix. Problem kids happen to good parents and vice versa. It's one of those things that, the more we learn, the less we really know. So, don't be too hard on yourself. Just be there for him when he needs it (and he will) and hope it will eventually turn out OK. (Sorry if I sound like Dr. Phil, but that's my take on your situation.) And, prayers for your aunt.
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