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Bob in SC

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Everything posted by Bob in SC

  1. No, let's go all the way back. Someone help me here. It was in East Aurora on some estate owned by Seymour Knox or his brother. Where, exactly, was it?
  2. That can't be his real name. No excuse for it - ask Rafael Palmeiro.
  3. Add one more - clock management . MM was terrible.
  4. Thank you for a rational evaluation of Holcomb. All we have to go on is past performance and, on that basis. he rises to the top. I hope things get better forJP or even Nall but there is no evidence of it to date, Give KH a break!
  5. Anybody wonder where JP would be on this list?
  6. Hope it happens. I miss him, and the controversy he brings to TSW.
  7. Jeff Wright - very under-rated.
  8. Moorman. The punt may be our best weapon this season.
  9. Oh, yes. Us old guys remember Joey - fondly!
  10. Damn. you are old! I remember all of them. I suppose you liked the first round pick of Richie Lucas in 1960 and wondered how he would compete with Tommy O'Connell for the QB job. Perhaps, you also remember that Elbert Dubenion was not the great player that some seem to recall via revisionist history. He was a bust as a RB and was known (by some of us) as Golden Thumbs as a receiver. But he was fast!
  11. Gibson = a much cheaper version of Big Mike - probably worth a gamble.
  12. Hey, my father and I were born in a house (2123 Bailey) at Genesee and Bailey (many years ago). It's hard to believe that it was once a nice peaceful German neighborhood with many local merchants. Now, you'd be lucky to get out alive on a Friday night.
  13. Reluctantly, it has to be OJ, character aside. (And he was good in the Naked Gun movies.)
  14. So have I. And that counts for what? Nothing. This is not a pi$$ing contest. Give him a break - the guy may have a point. Maybe Bills fans need to take a "wait and see" attitude now and then. Would YOU consider it?
  15. Yes, what do (some of us) have against giving Doug the recognition he deserves? Is it all about size? Hmmmmm.
  16. Have to agree. Regardless, Flutie has been the most exciting Bills' QB since Kelly. I will never unerstand the hatred he evoked. A gutsy, talented little guy who gave it his all. What if Doug had been 6' 4"? Think of it! Would there have been as much negativism?
  17. That's the least of this guy's problems. Thanks for responding to an honest question with a helpful answer. (What's wrong with that?)
  18. Please consider capitalizing "dumb ass" in your future posts.
  19. Would anyone here really turn down Paris Hilton? Now be honest guys. Let's see how many votes I get. I'll wait. (thread killer)
  20. With a little snipping and stitching, Mike's would make a dandy cover for your Lincoln Navigator.
  21. "Losman's accuracy is very good." I'm not sure which games you watched last year. College performance?
  22. Can we just start calling him "Johnny D" right now? (I always liked Ernie D."
  23. Moe Thompson, defensive end, South Carolina. Legal trouble (once), ruining a great college career. Excellent potential - he was dominating. Besides, every roster needs at least one former thug.
  24. There are always intangibles. For example, does this year's Ohio State connection increase the likelihood that Nate might re-sign to a fair contract? Could be.
  25. Let us not forget the wide receiver, Fair Hooker. How much is one of those worth?
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