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Everything posted by diver

  1. Stinko!!! What's that smell? Its the Fish
  2. Where do two bills drive posters tailgate? What location?
  3. I have tailgated with Kenny several times. Kansas City and San Antonio. I am flying into to Buffalo for the Fish game this weekend. I have never tailgated with Kenny in Buffalo. What is his location at Wilson Stadium?
  4. I tried to Tivo it but all I got was Paula Zahn. Somehow I screwed up. I am almost done reading is book. Pretty upsetting. Good book but it just the info that's upsetting. Time for a revolution
  5. First saw the Who in the Aud back around 75 or 76. Not sure the year. It was one of my first dates with my wife now of 26 years of marriage. Took her to first concert which was Jethro Tull.
  6. Labatts and a few T-bones steaks. I thought the freakin game was on at 1pm. I checked last night on the Two bills 2006 schedule and it still had the game at 1pm. I thought I heard something about a 4:15 game but.... da
  7. For the Bills Giants came I paid $300. For the Bills Redskins game I paid $400. I tried in Atlanta but all I could find was ticket for $1200 so I watched the game at a Hooters in Atlanta. Saving the money on a ticket bought me all I wanted to eat and drink. What is the going rate for tickets to the Super "Corporate" Bowl going for these days!!
  8. Great show last night in Omaha. Daultry's voicer rough but he still gave it all he's got. Said he had a terrible cold. Townsend rocked!!! 2 hour show. Pretenders were equally awesome.
  9. I just saw the movie last night. Slightly disappointed. I was expecting an A+ and came away with a B. Many very good parts. The chase at the beginning and also the car scene chase was very cool. The Bond girls were disappointing.
  10. A few years ago I took my family to the Indy game at the RCA dome. We lost the game. It was an ugly game. Don't remember maybe it was Rob Johnson and it was low scoring. Mostly field goals I think. Walking down the ramp with my two my wife and two girls about 8 and 10, we were mocked and teased. We got crap all the way out of the stadium by several groups of people. I remember that clearly.
  11. Well I guess its not an age thing. At first I thought the younger fans would want to throw him to the dogs but I was wrong. It seems that it is just a personal choice.
  12. So far its not an age thing but lets keep this going.
  13. I am 49 and I am for giving JP a full year. I have been a fan since I was old enough to watch TV. I remember the good and the bad years but have always been a fan. Just curious. Is this an age thing. Younger fans want to give up sooner and do not have the wisdom or knowledge of maybe giving this guy a chance. Post your age and your opinion to dump or let him finish a year.
  14. I will be in St. Louis for Soccer Tournament. Any Bills backers bar where I can watch the game on Sunday, Nov 5th? thanks
  15. So what is the answer. I feel your pain believe me because I have been in situations like yours. What a crappy feeling. Its hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Times are tough. Even on the global scene. Bush and the war etc. A couple of wins in a row is all we can hope to wake up to. Its about being a fan and boy being a Bills fan is getting to be work.
  16. Stay the course with JP no matter how hard it hurts. Then decide at the end of the season. We are not going to the playoffs so give the man his reps to prove himself.
  17. thanks for the help. Sound like the flapper Go Bills!!
  18. Two toilets in my house started to run. In the middle of the night the toilet runs for about 5 to 10 seconds to fill up tank I guess. Just started this within the last month. Strange that two different toilets would do this. Received notice from water company this past summer something about water pressure change may cause this. Is there any minor adjustments I can make or what should I check. I can find no leaks. Just runs for about 5 seconds several times in the day and night. Maybe a few hours apart. Thanks for the help its driving me crazy
  19. Place for up and coming bands http://www.sokolunderground.com/
  20. Bills, Clinton and the counntry.
  21. Is Pizza Junction open?
  22. I thought the Bills were going to make a statement against the Jets after beating the Fish and look what happened! Tough game vs Bears but we can win it. Go Bills.
  23. Winning will be a great stepping stone the the player's confidence that they can compete with the best in the league. It is what they need to prove to themselves that they can win. But like an earlier poster said, " Win or lose its time to plan for next week" It would be sweet wouldn't it!
  24. Marino dissed him on HBO this week. Saying he was the ugliest thing he has ever seen.
  25. Why billboard number one album in the country. It must have something going for it?
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