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Everything posted by diver

  1. My wife is pissed because I won't wear them anymore. Can you buy a generic jersey. #00 maybe?
  2. Yes it always seems like Buffalo gets killed in Prime time games. Strange. Why do you think its that way? Maybe because we get too hyped up because we are not use to the spotlight? I am ready for one. Its no fun living out of state and not being able to talk trash to others and brag about your team. The Bills who are they. Lets go Buffalo
  3. I miss Friday fish fries. During lent in Nebraska churches put on Fish Fries as fundraisers. Kinda of fun. Fish isn't bad either. Nothing like WNY though. In Nebraska you stand in line up to 2 hours for fish fry and drink beer. Its a social thing. More people look forward to standing in line drinking. The fish just soaks up what you drank. Local politicians and who's who work at these events to kiss babies and get votes. Holy name church is the best by the way. haha.
  4. Good opening post. I agree. Lets get a little positive. Yeah its been tough but this negative talk doesn't help anyone. Go Bills.
  5. Its about freakin time the Bills took the offensive line serious. Lets put our trust in Marv. Just the motion of trying to fix the line is something that was long over due. I am excited about it. JP having more time in the pocket will open up wonders for our offense. What are we going to do at RB if McGahee is gone? Lets get some positive vibes in hear not all this negative karma.
  6. I hate rap. Happy to see it decline
  7. Schools closed, stuck at home. Actually that's not too bad. Hot chocolate and hot soup.
  8. You will lose the bills if more people have attitude as yourself
  9. Oh well
  10. Sabres have heart
  11. did ok. her dancing stuff is old move on
  12. Awesome win last night. Now lets see the new guy
  13. Signing Kelsey means one less person to worry about. He know system and we have more important concerns now. One step at a time. He is a quality player.
  14. Its destiny. Keep rolling boys!
  15. Saw it on TV
  16. Time for a drink
  17. It will be an interesting spring.
  18. "If the Bills can play teams like these late in the season, we will better set the stage for them to ensure sell out crowds and prevent blackouts." Be careful what you wish for. Loading up on harder teams at the end of the season instead of spread out of the whole season may hurt teams chances of wins when needed the most to get into the playoffs.
  19. Blue collar man. Ted's hot dogs. yumm I have been to Acme Oyster House. Home of Archie Manning. Good Stuff. Any steak house in Omaha, Nebraska. Best steaks.
  20. keep making jokes about it and the public will not take it serious.
  21. I have been involved with coaching soccer for over 15 years. Played in High school and then adult leagues. Soccer is great sport. For those that do not have children playing or haven't played themselves its hard for them to get into it becauseo of the lack of scoring. Soccer is more than scoring its the moves and battles on the field. For women soccer is their football.
  22. LF has heart. I say we keep him.
  23. move to warmer climate
  24. Maxium sucks too many adds. Great covers but inside is poor.
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