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Everything posted by diver

  1. Where where is Pinto man going to be or anyone else? What lot?
  2. nfl sunday ticket for Bills NHL center ice for Sabres at the end of the season I always wonder why I paid so much but I grew up a fan of both so I am stuck with installment payments
  3. 2007 HD Road King Classic Big enough to take road trip but stylish enough to ride around town. Good for passenger like your sweet old lady
  4. I have been to many KC vs Bills games at Arrowhead. I have had some bad experiences including having beer poured on me. I am not a bad fan. I stand up and cheer when we score and sit back down. But this time game in KC I had no problems. Actually had some great conversations about the Bills and Chefs with a Chefs fan. But what I did notice is that the KC fans were down and out. I have never scene them so quiet with their head hung down. It got to the point I wanted someone to yell something at me. I guess thats what a 1-9 record does to you.
  5. More people will be at Bills Backers party at Ameristar
  6. I said the same thing but others tell me how do you explain his good game against San Diego? It may not be his concussion but him being scared of getting his brain scrambled again by some of the hits he is taking.
  7. Pinto Man. Featured on ESPN etc. Has Bills designated parking spot at Ralph Wilson stadium. Cooks on the hood of his pinto. Goes to all Bills game home and away. Drink a shot out of one of the holes in his bowling ball for good luck. Party time!!! Go Bills.
  8. Info on Bills forums Tailgate forum Ameristar Casino party Sat night and then tailgating with Kenny
  9. The Bills started out great but with two division losses we could easily be in last place with a loss to New England next week. As Phil Simms said on Sunday we are 8 games into the season and its time for teams to start getting it all together. We need to turn it around and beat New England next week. We also do not have a divisional win when it comes to try breaker scenerios at the end of the year. Lets go Buffalo get it together and get back into first where you belong.
  10. Fish head trees
  11. sell out
  12. I don't remember what my first concert was. I used to sneak into Melody Fair all the time because I lived in their backyard. It was a riot. Saw many band back then. Franki Valli and the Four Seasons. The Byrds. and lots of singers my mom liked like Tom Jones and Englebert Humberdink. We used to sneak in all the time. I saw some ladie named Alice Cooper on the marquee and decided not to sneak in. Funny!!! I thought Alice Cooper was one of my mom's age singers. I know love Alice Cooper. In the 70's went to all the Buffalo Summer fest concerts. Doobie Brothers opening for Chicago was one of my Favorites. Also saw CSNY at Rich Stadium and they estimated over 110,000 people. From my seat I saw them knock down the fence on the front side of the stadium. I now see many classic Rock bands in Omaha. Lastest was Bob Dylan, Bob Seger and Eric Clapton.
  13. Some band the pounded sticks on the stage and then Peter Frampton opened for Jethro Tull in Niagara Falls. I was there
  14. Wow, I had a great time on Dyngus Day. Party to you drop. This thing is gonna get bigger than St. Pats day!! Anyone have a cure for a hangover?
  15. What does it matter if you have a HD or not or a moped. If you like what you got is all that matters. Why do people make such a big deal. Just leave people alone and let them ride in peace. How many people that buy and SUV know how to service one. Why do bikers have to know how to put together their own bikes. That was the old days man. Just ride and enjoy and let people do there own thing.
  16. To each their own I guess. It would be a real drag if we were all the same.
  17. Say marketing all you want but HD is a cool looking bike and love the sound. Many friendship are made when you have a HD.
  18. Yes I have met Kenny too. I have had a drink from the bowling ball. He is cool. Nebraska fans
  19. How many months of riding days in Buffalo? April - Oct?
  20. Road King Classic. Hope to go to Sturgis this year.
  21. Why does everyone want to get naked if we win the superbowl? I have had three goals in life. 1. Win a state championship in coaching club soccer. I did it. 2. Own a Harley Davidson Just bought one 3. Bills win the Super Bowl. Hey it's just a game. My family is what really matters. Sharing the above goals with them.
  22. Bills win the superbowl. Could really use the bucks though. I would need to spend ten grand on the Sports illustrated Buffalo Bills super bowl stuff. Super bowl championships hats, jackets bumber stickers. yeah about $10Gs saying that the Bills are the Best.
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