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Everything posted by diver

  1. Soccer is great. Not much fun to watch for people who never played or have not been involved.
  2. In Nebraska it looked and sounded like a War Zone. The amount of noise and explosions was more than I have ever seen in the city. Do they allow it in Buffalo? You can buy small fireworks in city limits of Omaha but you can get larger stuff in neighboring states.
  3. Boulevard Wheat
  4. World Peace
  5. I would drive through a snowstorm to have a double steak and cheese from Pizza Junction or Galassi's in North Tonawanda. I miss that living in the midwest. You can have your chain sub shops. but if I had to choose Blimpies would be the chain sub.
  6. I thought Mexico should have one.
  7. Will this game be aired? Repeated on cable? If so when?
  8. In the midwest we always say Iowa has bad drivers. " Idiots Out Wandering around" I-O- W-A Looking at the survey Iowa rates higher than Nebraska but both states are in the top ten. Funny. Maybe its a county thing.
  9. Keep up the good work. Go Bills
  10. I like the beer drinking image with some Led Zep on the boom box. What the heck its the weekend!!!!
  11. Is 7am to early? My schedule is so busy I have to squeeze it in. Not sure if my neighbors will be too happy?
  12. The charcoal flavor open flame makes Ted's the best
  13. New York Dolls!!! I am surprised that people know of them. Cool!!! I bought a Dolls t-shirt last summer. How fun.
  14. My prayers are with you and your family
  15. Thanks for all the advice. I can feel the stress from this team when ever the phone rings. The team is like the Bickering Bills. Its a high level team. Before each season I pass out and discuss team guidelines. Within those guidelines it talks about playing other sports. Out of all the clubs in my town and in our league I have been the most allowing of girls to play other sports. But the guidelines always state the priority of our team over other secondary sports. I have never set up direct consequences for certain actions because I felt that was up to the disgression of the coach. But doing that leads to people saying, "Double Standards" We have a parents meeting this week and it may be time to set concrete consequences such as, Miss a practice you are benched for half of next game or come late to came you are bench for ? period of time. I do believe there is more to life than just sports and every family/player has individual circumstances that I have dealt with on a case by case basis. But its not working. The girls get along great its the parents that feel the need to vent. This is the third time around for me coaching soccer. I never had such difficulty as with this group. Yes the rewards are great sometimes. My older team is playing High School and then off to college. When the girls see me they jump and hug me and are happy to see me come watch them play. But I went through some same issues letting players go who had baggage. But I do not if times are a changing but its more difficult no with the increase popularity of the sport.
  16. I have been coaching soccer for over 10 years. I think it is about time to quit. Tired of parents bitching all the time. If its not one parent its another parent. I don't get paid. I volunteer my time. I coach a U-13 premier girls soccer team. 5 players were late to league game because of track meet. So whenever one showed up I benched them for only 15 mins. I did that to my star player when she showed up with 18 minutes left in game. She got to play for only a few minutes. Parents freaked out. Calls me up and quits. I think that's what I am about to do. It wears on you over the years.
  17. Never scene this before. JM opened up concert. I thought Donavan must be a no show. But half way through the show Donavan came on giving JM a break. Atlantis, Hurdy Gurdy Man, and Mellow Yellow. Lots of fun. Then JM came back and Rocked!!!!!
  18. They are hoping to name the team "Omaha Knights" I guess there is some tradition in this town. They use to have a team here in the 60s or 70s which Gordie Howe played. Opionion seems divided over selling College seats for AHL seats. I followed AAA baseball and I hated when a player got hot and then we lose the to the big leagues. Yes its the nature of the game. College Hockey I guess is the same way. You only have the players for 4 years. UNO plays in brand new aud while AHL will move to old Aud but seats are closer in old aud.
  19. I currently hold season tickets for Division 1 hockey with University of Omaha. I also have good seats. What level of play is AHL? Exciting? etc..? Should I give up my hockey tickets and start going to AHL games? They will be farm team to Calgary Flames. Go Sabres!!
  20. Acme Oyster house in the French Quarter
  21. North Tonawanda/48/Omaha
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