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Doctor Duck

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Everything posted by Doctor Duck

  1. Please don't undo years of therapy...it's still too soon.
  2. Grace of God you say? I agree and funny how that happened with a coach that believes in God. I'm happy we are keeping McClappy...Jesus love and everything else he brings to the table. You can thank God that McClappy broke the Flutie Curse.
  3. Look, what you say Is True. However Gettleman has been a blessing to our Bills 1st round opportunities 2 years in a row. This is special and makes we wonder if Beane has influence over him. Seriously, I've never seen any Bills drafts like the last 2. Beane is a Wizard, like the Ozzy song. Or a Jedi??
  4. Of course he did...just like everyone else. But thanx G-man, all mocks said we needed two overreaches @ QB to score a top 5 talent at 9 and you are welcome to my liquor cabinet anytime. I'm quacking open a cold one for this amazing draft right now. Yes I said amazing and I meant it. A grade draft.
  5. They are blowing so much smoke b4 the draft that Beane is lighting a blunt while he drinks his scotch and...
  6. It doesn't hurt like it used too. Too many heartbreaks, too many botched calls to believe NFL is real. The cheetosriats need to die off...The general public is getting board of the same old same old every year and it's suffocating interest in football. I will say when the Bills win, I still get a lift in my step, work out harder, smile more. However, I'm numb to losing....happens so much numbness is my normal.
  7. I feel summoned....I usually don't check this at work. This one is a difficult start....but a great finish...this team has character and the way Marv has dumped the primodonnas....the Bills will persevere. Plan on a bunch of wins in December with 4 southern teams having to play the Bills at home. Fish sticks are best served COLD at The Ralph. Back to work...logging off.
  8. The management team from before time began...Both Ralph and Marv were born before football was invented...heck, they might be old enough to have invented the sport. Consider then the "generation gap" between them and whomever the head coach would be. Mullanarchy was a babe in diapers to them...and when Marv sat down with "little Mikey" he heard the truth...a child excited about all the fun things he would do playing with his toys... lil' Mikey: "I've got some great new plays for next year...we'll do a double reverse on the one yard line...the defense will never expect that!" Marv: "What?!...now Mikey, just because you are head coach doesn't mean you will call any plays anymore...that's what offensive coordinators are for" lil' Mikey: "b-b-but the baby sitter always let me play with my toys!" Marv: "Well I know the baby sitter let you run all over the house...but Big Daddy's keeping an eye on things again and you're going to behave like good head coaches do" lil' Mikey: "Waaaaah!" Marv: "Mikey...go to your office!" So you know the rest...Mikey didn't want to stop playing OC and that was never acceptable...our octogens knew his calls sucked! So lil' Mikey moved on. Now both Sheman and Jaurosaurus are in their 50's...so that makes them both young men in the eyes of our Octosquad...the difference comes down to this: Jaurosaurus knows enough to respect his elders, and go with their guidance (and he should know he needs it with his dismal record as head coach) Sherman was a victim of being to smart for his own good...80 year olds like to tell others what they think and be listened to with fauning open eyes...they don't like being told how to do things. So for better or worse...lets hope our fossil is better than Fassel!
  9. CLIFF NOTES...LOL! The original post is brilliant...and I feel better now about Jaurosaurus as HC than I have all week...thanx!!!
  10. ***so I'm in a mood to post a odd rant....you are warned********** Let's have some fun and psychoanalyse about this...I love cats...and I'm ok with dogs so I can be impartial. If you say you hate cats...you're either trying to get a rise out of cat lovers or you have others issues that you are taking out on cats. A lot of cat haters hate women too...can't stand the independant attitude: "I DON'T NEED YOU" Let that sink in... I DON'T NEED YOU....and you want to be needed...which is where dogs fill that deep-seated need. Of course some men hate cats and love dogs becouse they are similar to the dogs they bond with...smelly, slobbery and leaving their crap everywhere... I've been a lurker here since 1998, so I'd give the benefit of the doubt on this one. Just remember that the Vietnamese have a solution for all those stray dogs out there...DINNER. Bon Appetit!
  11. Let me settle this debate the only way I can (ridiculously). Spikes is the best linebacker in the history of the sport because he is also a bowler. Bowling is that X-factor that puts him head and shoulders above the rest. He know the virtues of being a bowling ball...and knocking down the opponents like so many pins!!
  12. OK- The trick for the flavor is deep frying the wings in *peanut oil* Nothing gets 'em as tasty in the world as that. NOW- Add a "Garbage plate" to your menu...ever been to Nick Taho's in Roch? This anti-weight loss treat will so disturb So-Cal you will have the local TV news covering you. Now I hope you have written a biz plan...if not write one first...only 1 out of 20 restaraunts make it...you need a food court location where there is allready hungry Mall people looking for something new...Low monthly overhead is key as well I'm thinking of doing a pesto thing here in Seattle...so good luck and go for it!
  13. Hey Navy...I don't know if this will work...but it's why the other cat recommened OJ....and I thought it was crazy at first too...until I tried and it worked for my heartburn. Eat a dill pickle. No joke. Why? Because just like the OJ it's acidic - and that's actually what your tummy wants. See what's ussually happening is your body is still trying to digest FATS and feels it doesn't have enough acid allready to do the trick (the mess hall food could be causing it- I'm sure it's not gormet quality)...so it keeps producing acid trying to breakdown the remainder of your dinner. I used to use tums too...but try this before the pink pill next time...worth a shot. failing that a three day fast and cleanse might help... (my heartburn is caused by cheap vegatable oil...switched to olive oil and I could drink the stuff without any problem) oh yeah...excessive salt causes heartburn too Good luck!
  14. Rochester, NY / 33 / Seattle, WA
  15. OK - I've been there and done that... so you need to stretch your legs... If you get out and force yourself to walk on them outside for a half hour each night (and be sure to do some more streching before bed, and in the morning) you should be ok. It may be tough...but after you have a few it will be easier. And do make sure you get as much water as beer....better to be like a racehorse than a prune!
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