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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. he practically won the SB by himself. Is that not Billsy enough?
  2. we arent talking about trent dilfer here. lets get Foles AND the Baker.
  3. think before you post ?????? What the hell are you talking about???? This was the most incoherent post I have read in a long time. Congratulations.
  4. did i ever claim that people didnt beat it thru traditional medicine?? what a strange comeback. there is a time and place for chemo and radiation. there is a time and place for chinese medicine and natural medicine where the focus is on regeneration of internal organs. what the heck does that mean? western medicine is distinctly different by definition from chinese medicine,ayurvedic medicine, nutrition based medicine. Statins are passed out like candy. They ARE ineffective exc in lowering cholesterol-that cholesterol which is neccessary for proper system functioning. Our kids are drugged .....those drugs are passed out like candy to any non-docile boy. Western medicine does wonderful life saving things. But there are huge problems with the system.
  5. that's one person and a big maybe. there are others with completely opposite stories.
  6. When you say its ALL BS I lose you there. Does what you say have some merit? Yes. But I am more of the opinion that the medical industrial complex is 50% great and 50% dicey. I've seen lives saved with treatment and I have seen MUCH needless treatment that only ruins the quality of life more for the patient while providing false hope. Unless a treatment protocol has a high % cure rate I would forego the chemo or other super aggressive treatments. A few close friends suffered horribly chasing after a low % cure...and made the last couple years of their lives miserable with the chemo and radiation.
  7. Very delusional re: TT. When games were on the line TT was a no show. Of course he was better with watkins and woods.But stats--Like many have stated- can be misleading.
  8. brady and montana had the same quality---perfect focus. that was the whole key.And both speak in a kind of monotone.Put 2 and 2 together u medical people.
  9. He has saved a ton of dough. He is oft injured. Would be a very smart move to retire..Problem is he is still a great player.
  10. yeah probbly right.....anyway evefryone should wait til the glow is over to make a move here.At least it opens up another possiblity.No way TT could ever have done what Foles did in these playoffs.Most QBs couldnt have had that kind of a run. And we all know he had the potential after that 27/2 season
  11. he had 2 complete yrs before this one. One he was great and the other he was treated poorly. The other yrs were too choppy to make a judgment
  12. Wow I dont know....I hope we could get him for our #21 for sure. The guy stepped up like a man these playoffs. he was mistreated for a yr or 2
  13. So Brady is 40.And had a great year.Great QB.Total focus.Good skills.Average athlete. Doesnt depend on swiftness...just total autistic focus.I think he could go 3 more years. My guess...he will play 2 more.
  14. Pats not a good defense this year.Its amazing they got to the SB with that mediocrity
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