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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. how about if the team agrees to pay for any future kidney or liver transplants?? could we squeeze another yr or two out of him?
  2. it all really falls into the 'we'll see' category. unless u were the Bills and picked a sure loser like EJ
  3. lets hope we make some decent OL,DL and LB picks this draft. We shouldnt give the whole draft away for any of these QBs. Go with what 12 22 and a 2nd or 3rd gets you at MAX.
  4. plus being 6 3 and 330 LBs--100 LBs above what even a muscular guy at 6 3 should be.. puts stress on the system.
  5. Hull played OL at 195 beginning of his college career. That fact alone should put him in the hall. He needs to be in ...but it could be on a seniors thing. He was the man and the QB of a great line for so long. I think he was a turkey reuben
  6. which started a string of humiliating losses. we were the worst team in football at that time. The bills need a lot of fixing.
  7. because you have enough class not to live in a dump for the next 4 yrs?
  8. O'Leary is a very good TE. Lets get him a QB. TE is not a concern.
  9. yep--the only correct answer. you know they are gonna screw it up though..
  10. thats true. winning blowhards are fun. Mediocre blowhards look unprepared. he should still be here making Kyle drop back into coverage in the 4th quarter.
  11. ralph got rid of/made impossible to stay all the best coaches AND gms with the exc being marv. The two biggest blunders were driving Chuck Knox and Bill Polian out of town. Saban was kind of a weird guy so you cant completely blame that on him.
  12. Deonte 'where is the first down marker?' Thompson?
  13. You have to admit most of the people on this board have been smarter than the Bills GMs for the past 20 years.
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