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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. Great movie. Classic scene when they were at the cemetery and Angelica Huston sets the radio down on the gravestone while listening to the game.
  2. It'll be close. Not a sure thing altho he is without a doubt an excellent RB. Not in the OJ,Sanders,Brown,Campbell etc league of sure first time balloters.But perhaps after 2 or 3 tries ala Thurman. And quite honestly--in shady's favor..I dont think Shady needs anything at all more in his career to augment the argument for him. He paid his dues and has played at a high level for more time than most RBs.He is almost 30 and has done everything that he could do. He either is or isnt a hall of famer based on his already substantial accomplishments and unique style.
  3. I think McCoy is a borderline HoFer. He is maybe the 5th best RB in football now.And was mainly about a 5th best kinda guy his whole career. An excellent RB? Yes. A hall of famer? Gonna be tough.
  4. while not a big TT fan ..they grossly misued his talents. The guy shoulda been running 15x per game.Would have opened things up and kept the D from bullrushing. Trying to make him a pocket guy was a huge mistake....Just a shame all the runs he didnt make for the bills. If you play against TT what would you fear?? Him RUNNING THE DAMN BALL of course.Woulda kept the D line tired and on its heels. And woulda opened up the passing attack for bigger yardage.
  5. Everything a pro football player does can now be excused by CTE?? Cripe imagine an incredibly powerful 340 LB unstable man getting pissed off at you and swinging dumbbells in your direction. Scary.
  6. Fred was a very smart player. Unfortunately the Bills organization for the most part specialized in low football IQ people. I think situational awareness extends to dumb GMs trading for and drafting the players that throw away a football on 4th and game. yep that slide was not even in the top 1000 of bill player dumbgaffs. heck leodis himself had 270 individual gaffs worse than that
  7. Marrone Mularkey Gregg Williams Rex Ryan Dick Jauron Chan Gailey
  8. Wade is not a head coach(and i mean that in the way that TTaylor is not a QB--but a great runner)..He is an all time great DC though. great post Buftex. My sentiments exactly. The OJ era was amazing but we had a defense that was really a joke exc for Tony Greene and a few others
  9. RIP Chuck Knox. Tied for best Bills coach with Lou Saban. Those early 80s teams were probably the most fun...Great personalities from Isaiah Robertson to Haslett to Villapiano etc etc etc--They were so close to the SB.A play or two here and there. 64,64,88,99...a great discussion can be had....aahh if Polian only would have kept Smerlas for another yr. We were outsized by the Giants.Bruce had to do everything---so they ran away from him..
  10. most productive>?? How could OJ have been any more productive??? He was the majority of the offense. He produced as much as any RB could have produced.
  11. i remember...50 yd line seats--'new' stands(visitor side) both down low(15 rows up) AND 50 rows up. I still remember sitting right behind a big heavy guy who used to do beer commercials on local TV:):)--- --the programs were really nice-- no not arguable at all. He isnt anywhere near OJ in talent. Come on man ...-And thats not putting down Lesean--who is an excellent RB....one of the better RBs in the nfl the past 6 yrs Hooks was a real good player. If he were playing today he'd be making 6 mil per yr
  12. NO....SF was the best team slightly the yr we lost to the Giants by belichek
  13. 'all around back'...no. OJ was the best all around back.When you are in the top 3 running backs of all time you run the ball all the time. 1.25 for every broad in the car
  14. speeding down jefferson avenue in his cadillac....james brown on the radio
  15. hehehe...thanks i needed the chuckle its been a long day..
  16. Its bruce--he shrunk half a foot in height recently.
  17. You are an NFL RB (whogenerally have a very short football lifespan)and you are gonna turn down 3 million or 6 million bucks??? Going to a team where u could get a SB ring? I say bravo Gilleslie..You made the correct decision
  18. right on the money yep---300 LBs is a natural weight for very few people. You need an enormous frame to support that kind of weight and not be fat.
  19. i was jokin to make a point. in fact we dont know that at all
  20. but now we know he sucks......even that provides some joy in the barren desert of billsland
  21. unless they have midget hands...no...lots of little qbs out there w no increase in fumbles....'physics ' has nothing to do with it--at least w that one simple single variable.in fact i would think smaller guys(who in general have smaller hands) probbly take care of the ball better any proof of that?
  22. To quote Joe Piscopo doing Frank Sinatra.."She is one good looking Japanese"
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