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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. in other words nothing has changed in 20 yrs with the good old wait til next 2-3 yr Buffalo Bills:)
  2. I'm getting much more teary eyed in my old age.... rest in God's arms sweetheart...and God bless your family
  3. I dont see much hope for future success with these Bills IF we keep spending big money on over the hill stiffs like Star,not spending money on O line replacements.. and drafting QBs with poor passing skills without having a Ryan Fitzy on the roster. This team is an eternal train wreck. Maybe I will feel better if I see Josh Allen not throw ducks to WRs when a) they are wide open... b)they have a good chance of scoring a TD. When I see him NOT throw checkdown specials while being oblivious to the position of the DBs/LBs-who are waiting to clobber the poor receiver. And when I see him not stand like a wooden indian--creating a sack situation when the protection is actually quite good. -It must be demoralizing for the team--or any team--to be burdened with shaky QB play all the time. That has to affet locker room morale
  4. The thing about Tyrod...He finds a way not to score. 3 points vs Jax with pretty darn decent protection.
  5. Rivers is highly overrated.He has done a lot of screwing up in his career.Very good arm--But he was never a top notch QB.And neither was Tony Rivers or Philip Romo. Rothleisberger has QB skills that Allen will never dream of having. Allen is a slightly better runner and probbly faster. But we know athleticism(Brady) doesnt count for a great deal without the QB skills.
  6. i dont give a damn what the press says. i will comment on his garbage throwing all day. i did compliment him on his natural athleticism and winning attitude. I just dont get throwing ducks to wide open receivers. Did the GM not scout the guy?? And even his check downs were thrown with him not even noticing where the D player was--getting the receivers maimed on practically every one of them. And when he has protection he stands there like a wooden indian--and waits forever --not moving his feet and eyes---until a D lineman or LB is right on him...when he could have easily avoided the rush and put himself in a better position to see the field.sorry those things are not good signs. --Thankfully the guy is 6 5 and tough and a good athlete. PS--his arm strength is also overrated.with no rush on him(on the long completion which was behind the receiver) he threw the ball as hard as he could---and it went 60 in the air.good QBs should do that with a flick of the wrist.
  7. I think detroit is right up there..because even with a decent QB they cant do anything. The Bills will go thru another cycle---where they wait 2 more yrs to fire these guys.So figure another 5 yrs at least til the mess is cleaned up Pegula is a natural gas expert. but he cant get it into his head to hire experienced GMs and coaches who are proven winners...He has the money to pay them richly. Then let them do their jobs. This going cheap on inexperienced ,non -proven coaches or coaches that have proved they are no good just because they are the best kissarse interview has not worked. ralph at least hired some great coaches and GMs before he drove them out of town and chose bad GM and bad coaches
  8. you liked the ducks he threw to wide open receivers under no pressure?? and the throws to the Backs and WRs that could have got them killed? yep he is a good athlete and has a winner mentality...but he is mediocre at QBing at this point.And Im being kind.
  9. yep i completely agree. the roll out to the left with the guy wide open and he throws a duck...another wide wide wide open receiver on the right who probbly scores the TD if he hits him in stride--and he sails the thing behind him so he needs to fall to make the catch....and many many many other inaccurate throws. throwing a ball accurately doesnt take experience and coaching. you either have it or you dont. Allen has good qualities..big,fast ,tough,athletic/....which could possibly allow him to overcome his average to below average QB talent and allow him to become a decent starter in this league. Not worth number 7 overall.
  10. Allen showed guts out there and can move the ball. What sucks is his comatose state when he is looking downfield--creating pressure when it shouldn't be there. And he has no sense of where the DBs are-He is gonna get receivers killed.OH...and he is not accurate. You can't teach that. He will be a slightly above avg QB in this league.And he can't even throw a screen pass properly. Don't they teach that in 6th grade? At least the D woke up out of its stupor and played some manly ball.
  11. i agreed with u till the pegula part---the guy is a phenomenal businessman...and the worst sports owner exc for possibly little danny in washington
  12. best u mean. they filled a stadium that puts garbage on the field for the past 20 yrs.
  13. dear God it was that much?????????? --when will Bills fan have enough. ???---never--they get fooled every yr. into buying tickets.
  14. I was disappointed....cant sense the pass rush and has mediocre accuracy. he does have a winning attitude but no knowledge of the basics. C minus
  15. nobody 60 or over is gonna see a bills championship at this pace. its always back to ground zero for the silly bills. the good news is edmunds and tre and josh....and.....im thinking im thinking...the PUNTER!!..and the FG kicker(maybe the best in football)
  16. and yet the bills drafted him and he ended up being our starter. I blame peterman not one iota. The blame is on pegula,the GM and the coaches. cripe a 10 yr old kid looking at film could tell that peterman cant play football. The bills have serious problems with common sense.-- Lets hope Beane can clean this up. Kaep could restore us to mediocrity
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