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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. dareus doesn't play half the time due to injury or drugs..give me a break
  2. i still remember the 'just give it to them' game--i was in a hotel room in los angeles recovering from surgery--1998
  3. true----but losing teams dont make the big plays. winners do--and overcome officials mistakes-which are always gonna happen.NE has a few bad calls against them-and they still win the game because they make plays.
  4. so the refs forced josh to throw the duck and clay to drop the duck?
  5. josh is a talented,athletic winner who has some accuracy problems. cripe can we walk and chew gum at the same time?? he also needs to learn to throw the screen pass and not throw ducks to wide open receivers. And he needs to continue with his winning attitude and his great running and his occasionally accurate throws. I'm optimistic that this kid has winner written all over him and that he will continue to improve.--But its stupid not to criticize him when he deserves it. he has a long way to go. so many great 1st half field positions were squandered.We scored 17 points with a LOT of good field position all day.NOT GOOD.
  6. cutting Schmidt signing Schmidt cutting Schmidt...hows your math?
  7. yep--I thought that from the start. the guy isn't flashy but he never drops the ball. allen needs that typa guy
  8. I agree---mesing with punters all yr----bit him in the arse
  9. u cant take 2 sacks there....poor decisions all the way around
  10. hehe--orton was the worst athlete I have ever seen in the nfl--incl garo yepremian
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