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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. i agree--size is overrated..and brady sure aint athletic--well mentally he is. On sneaks its about sensing when the D is about to fire and then either catch them leaning forward or back.And also sensing where the free D player is gonna lunge into the gap and avoiding the direct hit. Allen has that and of course Brady has that.Timing is critical and thats what the QB controls.
  2. and walt patulski dareus has done wonders for jax
  3. ..oh you said OL coach...i was about to roll out Walsh ,Lombardi,Belichek
  4. I didnt say 80% completion rate;). I said his passes have to be accurate.Some accurate passes get broken up or dropped.Look at Joe Ferguson or Jim kelly. They almost always threw accurately.That doesnt mean they didnt throw into some great protection or there wasnt a great play by the DB. Allen throws some very nice passes but only about 50% of the time. He throws head scratchers often times when the WR is wide open.That has to stop.
  5. When Sanders wasnt doing the spectacular runs he was often caught in the backfield for losses.Ask any football watcher over 50. Partly do to his diminutive size,running style and a not great offensive line with the Lions. ps-I like Croom. pss-Allen turned good protection into an emergency many many times due to his standing there like a wooden indian staring downfield and not moving his feet. Its not ALL the O line's fault. Rob Johnson did that a lot as well.
  6. Promising but a long way to go.Needs to move his feet when he has protection so he doesnt create unnecessary pressure .Needs to see the field better..Lots of wide open WRs being ignored. Needs to be accurate on 80% of his passes not 50%.Needs to learn how to throw a screen pass. He is a great runner and has good arm strength and has a winner's presence and attitude.
  7. 7 black head coaches out of 32 teams. wanna do some math? billionaires own nfl franchises. wanna do a comparison of billionaires by race? you have to think and argue logically. I wouldnt mind one damn bit if every nfl coach were black and half the owners were black. But you have to live in reality. I think the guy is playing the race card.because its not just some dream of his.He actually goes and argues about black vs white coaches and their worthiness without doing any fundamental,logical thinking.
  8. i dont see the pool being limited. thats the point. i think the guy makes no sense.
  9. its a start....the bills looked like the pussyhat march after gronk did the pro wrestling slam last yr. unforgivable
  10. Right on. people need to stop with the racial crap.And thats what it is.
  11. completely agree. 8-8 is what the guy is. no surprise at all. Gets yardage but just not a winner.
  12. Mayfield is already a mature,very competent QB. A winner at every level so far.So no surprise. By far the best QB of the last draft class and is going to be an established star QB over the next 15 yrs if his health holds up. Well done Cleveland on the smart draft pick.
  13. well...no one quits on him.. why would Kyle go to the superbowl parade? or the Bills for that matter?
  14. too bad bills couldnt put together a decent team for him. stadium wall for the big man soon...and a trickle of HofF votes
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