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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. I don't even know what push means....shows how much I gamble
  2. foles looking a bit spacy today. he needs to snap out of it.
  3. its bigger faster stronger stupider and less football talented
  4. I think indy and philly wil play well next wk. indy may be the 2nd best team in the league after NO
  5. I was just talking to Sid the other day. we had our fedoras on and were heading to the game.
  6. im having trouble thinking of one...……………... I agree---let them shove eachother a bit. but still a low IQ play by Bennett.He got suckered
  7. Watching Barkley have the best QBing performance of the year for Buffalo.
  8. peripheral vision...one of those subtle things that makes a good QB
  9. Allen is a pure passer except for the occasional wounded ducks and frequent inaccuracy...sheesh
  10. its not at the Peterman level...but Peterman's performance was supernatural...and it extended over several games.
  11. fans reputation is excellent. the team's reputation of course is bad because of the decades of mediocrity.Bills have a long way to go to move out of the 'joke' category as far as product on the field.
  12. Hauschka easily.Based on total season performance and not when he was jacked up and with a new holder. Jerry Hughes #2. Tre had a bit of a slip up this year. honorable mention to Lorax
  13. I'm still very optimistic about Allen even though he has obvious accuracy problems and some QB instinct problems(holding the ball too long,inability to time a screen pass etc). He is an athlete and playmaker and I think a winner ultimately. the worst thing they could do to him is try to make him something he isnt-Thats when QBs think too much and its time to stick the fork in.
  14. I kept confusing him with William F Buckley no robiskie has to teach him
  15. and also maximized taylor by limiting his lack of QB instinct w the correct playcalling
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