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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. CB-- I am inbetween San Fran and Sacramento. We have about 8 months of summer here. But if you are gonna do the CA/Buff thing its probably best that you go southern CA where you get 10 months of summer--so you can get out of buff in jan feb march and have real nice weather in CA. Maybe outside of San Diego....???
  2. yes they are. and the rest of the league is by and large dumb with a few exceptions(steelers,ravens) NE has the dumb Bills,Jets and Dolphins in their division so they dont have to expend m,uch energy in the regular seeason and are fresh for the playoffs.
  3. CB-- I am assuming you are young. Get your foot in the door in CA with some real estate whatever it takes. The market will go up and down.But you have time on your side.And that strategy will pay off...and make that dream come true as well.
  4. I would prefer mariota over the others mentioned. Most of us were shaking our heads at the cousins signing. and miami was just doing what a clownlike franchise does...making huge mistakes. Lets be patient and discerning with Josh until we can be confident that he is worth some big money. Cutler is the most stoned looking professional athlete I have ever seen
  5. I havent lived in Buffalo since 1983..But I visit often. It is a great town.To say the quality of life in Buffalo is lower than in Pittsburgh or Cleveland is a joke. And since when do people want a city to grow??? all that does is create more traffic/more headaches. The only thing Pitt has over Buffalo is its football franchise.And guess what?? Football franchises dont give a damn about you.You shouldnt invest more than a tiny bit of yourself in following these stupid teams.Its a diversion...a stress reliever supposedly(well in Buffalo it has the opposite effect). I would move back to Buffalo in a heartbeat--as long as i could get away from jan1-march31st. I am officially a california weather wimp.
  6. I was being generous. there is a lot of subtlety to throwing easily catchable passes. allen was partially at fault in a lot of the drops
  7. didnt convince me of much. Half were bad drops the other half were questionable placement of passes and putting the WR in position to get killed. wish i hadnt watched this.
  8. completely agree cbiscuit....Roman for HC 2020??
  9. he looks a little wimpy in that photo
  10. the fault lies in many sectors....incl the o line, the WRs and the QB.You dont respect the passing game u can cheat on the run defense.
  11. so true. but we couldnt tell how smart he actually was til the whole tyrod thing played out. people were thinking they were holding him back..when in fact they were optimizing him.
  12. I agree...unless u r perfect as a FG kicker your life will eventually be hell. I was rooting for philly all game until before the FG attempt
  13. unfortunately that ship has sailed.. yep.The guy is stodgy
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