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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. yeah stop that!......Kings --Lakers,,,the ref a convicted gambler and Kobe getting the foul call everytime a king player breathed within 5 yds of him. the other refs were there too...enough for a discussion
  2. yeah it was really 'DUMB' running over that girl then taking off and hiding. and how they rarely criticize some guy with zero accomplishments who becomes prez as well....
  3. naaah...too much focus on the one play. it will last a long time in many places
  4. its true. the league is ruined. tuck rule started it and this finished it
  5. i could almost root for NE--the non call was so egregious
  6. between 2 days and 20 yrs.....closer to the 20 though. and its not just the one ref who had his head up his ass
  7. i completely lost interest in the nfl. i'll spend my time in better ways....after i vent;)
  8. this will hurt the league for years to come. its not to be trusted.
  9. there were how many refs out there???? nobody saw enough to throw a flag??
  10. this sb appearance is almost as tainted as tauck rule
  11. one of the biggest referee screw ups i have seen in this screwed up league.. not to mention wtf were the saints doing w time mgmt??
  12. especially running over that girl and taking off with his punk self and punk friends.And bullying younger smaller people and stealing 20 dollar bills from them. I have lived in Northern Ca for many yrs and know several people who knew him growing up. ...I guess everyone deserves a new chance. Not sure I ever heard him apologize for all of his crap,however.
  13. John Rauch is just getting out of purgatory for the OJ receiver/kick returner/decoy crap. Almost an unforgivable sin. 3 yrs of his prime in the short life of an nfl running back.One of the great athletes ever on the planet. What was wrong with our kick coverage?
  14. i can see how someone could lose it if they were viciously and relentlessly harrassed. i blame the fat slob incognito.
  15. very heavy burdens. i know a girl who was pregnant with twins and lost them . prayers to his family
  16. Its a bitter pill to swallow. the cold and stark realization that the buffalo Bills will be mediocre until the end of time.
  17. so true. the bills are in eternal rebuildland. eternal mediocrity. new generations of optimists who turn bitter and cynical over time.
  18. its gonna be at least 20 yrs. i recommend a new hobby for people around here. we havent had a serious team here since 1999
  19. true--but SD was gonna lose this game no matter what because they are stupid and Rivers is a choker---a talented one--but a choker...has been his whole career
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