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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. nightmare half......barkley needs to be in there if JA does nothing with the 1st possession. this offense is a disaster even though they are moving the ball a bit
  2. for half of his playing time??? he did nothing for 3 qtrs vs jets
  3. true......we just have to hope that JA has what it takes to be a good QB someday.Accuracy and decision making look suspect again as usual
  4. barkley time...josh needs to get his brain together..this is ridiculous
  5. still not enough...the officiating in the league is just bizarre. At the very least RUN FORWARD. Again Im not saying Tre did something wrong EXC for not 100% realizing that the reffing in this league can be horrible and corrupt at times/.
  6. I think I would take Singletary over Shady at this stage of their careers
  7. Shady is too old and injury prone to carry the weight... Cripe does anyone even remember the past 2 seasons?? occas slight breakaway with most 1 yarders into the line. KC is a perfect fit for him with great QB and WRs to open things up and let him have open lanes to deal with.
  8. people on here arent getting the point.yes we know that tre was down and called down. But I am not sure that they realize how stupid and corrupt the officials can be in this league. You cant give them an excuse.
  9. I think Gore's powerful build(similar to Emmit's) has kept him going for so long. At 36 he still is 70% of what he was in his prime--which is amazing.
  10. ..what you say makes sense....But what im saying is that the NFL refs dont always make sense.
  11. you just dont give the refs any excuse at all to make a bad call. we play NE twice a year. I remember where i was in the just give it to him game.A cheap hotel in Los Angeles--recovering from surgery...1998. The dame in the room with me had gamms that would make any guy say WOWWWW!!
  12. McD does need to talk to Tre. tre needs to be a bit more aware. We dont need a McKelvin to happen at a critical time this year.
  13. true.but that split second move to the inside avoided a possible accidental trip up over that
  14. In addition to several other solid runs in the game..The critical run was the 3rd and goal at the one . experience,quickness,power and natural talent made that split second decision to hit the right hole possible. Other RBs could have easily screwed that up.
  15. lets face it--its pretty sad being either a bills or a bengals fan--over the years.2 crap franchises w brief almost glory years every few decades.
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