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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. and the scoreless qtrs keep piling up. it just never ends
  2. esp with JA/BILLS penchant for going many quarters without points
  3. I always loved Ben Williams' game. he was always putting pressure on the QB.And he wasnt a huge guy. Those Chuck Knox era teams were great.
  4. yep the weakness is accentuated under pressure...whereas with guys like kelly,montana etc they get more accurate the more pressure there is. JA can work on these things.If he judiciously uses his GREAT running ability this will also be helpful
  5. he has a long way to go but havent given up on him. He will never be a great QB because of his inaccuracy. He can become a good QB if he learns to have more composure...throwing the ball away when needed, working to his strengths and knowing his limitationsHaving more awareness out there when we are in FG position(sacks are not acceptable esp when they take you out of FG range). There is just too much time when he loses focus and we end up scoring no points for 3 QTRS after we have been driving down the field all day...-We cant expect our D to be the 2000 ravens.we are good but not that good. barkley is way better than edwards. as soon as teams realized that all edwards could throw was a buttonhook then defending him became very easy. he couldnt lead a receiver if his life depended on it.
  6. for you kids out there---it all started with JUST GIVE IT TO THEM....
  7. he was a more talented scumbag..i agree that cincy performance was one of the most degrading things i have ever seen in sports
  8. oakland and cleveland were surprises today...and jameis winston playing like he did in college
  9. 15-30 yards isnt a long ball-- exc in 10 yr old and under leagues
  10. yeah we are getting into paleology with waiting for a contender here
  11. you cant coach that--me and others have stated that a million times on here. what you CAN do is realize your weaknesses and your strengths and call plays and make throws accordingly. the same thing we said about fitzy and his jr high arm strength...while people on here were digging up film of him winding up and throwing a 45 yd duck with the wind at his back to a terrell owens who brilliantly slowed his route then pushed off to get free and catch the ball in stride--and claimed that that was proof that fitzy didnt have a joke arm.
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