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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. Allen consistently plays well for about 30% of the game. he has not had a single full game where he has played well. Barkley has. I havent given up on him--But the meandering play where nothing seems to happen needs to stop. wr is not the problem its hardto cover those mini me's
  2. London Fletcher got a million tackles per game...unfortunately after a big gain by the runner
  3. down 16-0 to jets... barely hold off cincy...get outplayed by the dolphins....play a dead even game with the titans. This team is average..and Josh Allen needs to play more than a quarter of good football for once. The most complete QB game we have had here in 2 yrs was Matt barkley last yr vs the Jets. He played a solid 4 qtrs.Something JA needs to learn to do .
  4. people were getting very silly about this team. we still need a QB and better LBs and D linemen. so true
  5. ....niners look like the best team in the league right now
  6. i will have to look up factory of sadness..... 4) good jewish delis
  7. this performance is a very sad one i can just imagine the sports shows in cleveland tomorrow,. gonna be ugly.
  8. duke was excellent last yr--strange how he didnt make the real team right away.weird.
  9. bojo did punt well generally yesterday. he needs to stop the touchbacks .
  10. he has a good arm but have never seen him throw farther than 60 yds--which a good high schooler can do.
  11. The problem at this point is JA. He is also the solution because he certainly shows flashes of being good. Waay too many pointless qtrs when gifted with good field position.
  12. Im a JA fan.....cuz i see the great potential and i think the kid is a winner. But man he needs to develope a killer instinct and the game still needs to slow way down for him. we could be 2-3 right now.Lets run the ball more.
  13. 64,65, 88,98 were very strong. This D still needs to prove they are in that league
  14. true...and an understatement. many people on here deluding themselves re the play of JA. He has a long way to go.
  15. he had great FP for over a half and did nothing with it
  16. .....that was not an efficient day if you look at the totality of his play. the billls were very fortunate to win this game. credit to JA for a couple of late drives. But man this sahara desert stuff for 2 to 3 qtrs needs to stop
  17. hehe...esp when you have cpt checkdown and or Fitzy as your QB
  18. Bills need to run more. Esp with Singletary coming back. Not only will it rest the D it will slow the game down for JA.
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