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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. the manly thing finally done. no way we can compete with the big boys until we just pound it
  2. still shoulda run on 2nd and 4. now please just run it in...even if it takes 4 downs
  3. defense looks like a joke vs miami,PHILLY,now WASH........what happenned??? I never liked Edmunds---he is a slow reactor.
  4. not really--i would have still criticized it. cuz our offense is still dumb(not mature).
  5. i know--is it too damn much to run 3 straight plays.....this outsmarting ourselves stuff
  6. I disagree. Great WRs bailing him out while he continues his bad habits will not help him and may be counterproductive
  7. I would like to see us run more period. No stupid trick plays and keep the number of times JA stands back there like a wooden indian not moving his feet in the pocket down to a minimum. They should dole out more passes(and i consider passes those greater than 7 yarders and less than 4 seconds to complete)when he shows he can make smarter decisions with the ball.
  8. cripe i hope that is not true........but i feel you may be onto something.
  9. i disagree that wr is the problem. getting new WRs will not change JA into a franchise QB. Franchise QBs would do just fine with the set of receivers we have right now. Of course any QB would improve with better WRs....The problem with JA is his inability to make smart decisions for a whole football game. He has flashes. An interception here and there is something that happens to every QB----But the good ones have a steady hand at guiding the team for most of the football game.
  10. QBing stats can be misleading. Altho I do agree he is better than last yr. But how about a nice complete game?.And that is measured by our eyes...not by stats.
  11. you said it like it is. Sometimes you need the offense to pick you up.And JA spends 3 qtrs of every damn game meandering from one failed drive to another.Little mistakes mostly...which add up.Then he looks like an all pro for a quarter or so. Thats not enough if we want to be real contenders.We may get lucky this yr and get a wild card.And then lose 41-7 in the playoff game(s) no not a surprise. some of us guys who are getting older are a bit tired of this never really getting to be a contender stuff.the decades are rolling by.
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