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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. Hey don't throw 'idiot' around like that.Doesn't make you a big man.. Of course I wouldnt let him sleep with my kids.I was commenting on the legal part of the question. They have testimony of professional grifters and losers...thats why they won't convict him.
  3. "Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...the Schtreeeeuuuuuudddddellll.."
  5. It IS amusing hearing people talk about CHEAPER housing than in Buffalo. As a Californian you can get a nice little starter home for 400K.-And thats in the cheaper areas--not SF
  6. I still dont understand the need to get rid of him --unless we get a lot.What is wrong with having 2 good RBs??--And a year is a long time in this day and age of the NFL. We should keep him to keep WM fresh and to provide a punishing 1-2 attack.
  7. maybe they should weight them down.--like they do with the hawses.
  8. Yeah--but she also saved a pit stop by playing it that way.So--not really an excuse.Her pit crew--like letterman said---were magicians.That said---she is a little stud--an amazing little race car driver.
  9. I'd service her muffler
  10. How ridiculous..
  11. Just said a prayer for your sis.....TSW people are the best. Out here in CA people seem to be afraid to mention GOD..That is very sad.
  12. The NBA sucks ....the quality has gone waaaay down.
  13. INCREDIBLE stupidity by all involved in the NHL. The first mistake was paying players big time money in a regional league. Average salary in a league like this should be between 600 and 800k....-with only the Lemieux's and Gretzky's getting the big $. No one gives a damn about hockey west of the Mississippi or south of St louis.San Jose has an intense/loyal/local following---but they hardly even mention them on the bay area sports stations--and 1 out of a hundred in the bay area could even name any of their players. RIP to a once great league..a once great sport.
  14. Those old karen carpenter photos were just as frightening....they look like death.
  15. I dont doubt the movie is good...its just that I have no idea why Adam Sandler is immensely popular.he wasnt funny on SNL.
  16. Hunhh??? Most of those posts were pretty reasonable and pro-Ralph.
  17. yeah true....other than fumbling--the 3rd and 1 is Henry's weakness.He needs to get 3 yards upfield before he becomes as strong and as tough to bring down as satan.
  18. I weighed 78 at the beginning of sixth grade....--I didnt realize how much of shrimp i was.
  19. wellll....#s 4,56,7,8,9 just cancel eachother out--thats fluff...so if yer # is 777 u r multiplying it by 20000--so you get 777,oooo(x2)..u then add lets say 4444(ur last 4 digits) twice..but then u divide them by two again so u just get the same # - adding 1 before you multiplied by 250 earliuer...and then sutracting the 250(#8) just cancels out the 250...so tada--u get the same ## 777-4444. Its a pretty good trick.
  20. OK--you make good points there..
  21. I was being ironic
  22. I completely agree.I forgot those.
  23. 3 YEARS is a lifetime for a RB. And one hit on that knee could end it all.Remember a few times last year he got up VERY slowly after some hits. Why not see how his health holds out this year....THEN sign him to an extension with a lot of $ up front?? Did I mention that 3 years is a LONG time for a RB??
  24. Its hard to imagine RJ being able to start for a clloege football team.he was a disaster at USC.Screwed up every time...but boy he had a strong arm and could run--so he MUST be NFL material..LOL. Tools...right.
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