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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. I like your post....BUT---we can't stop the run...so it doesnt really matter.
  2. Overpursuing Vick...huge mistake. Go nuts with a rush..have him barely elude the frustrated rushers...and leave 1 or 2 receivers wide open.Time and time again.Best thing to do with Vick is contain.Let him throw the ball in a conventional manner as much as possible. He WILL(or would have) made mistakes .Let him be the average(when trying to be conventional) QB that he is. PLUS--on O..slow developing running plays on 3rd and short.QB sneak with NO RBs in the backfield???huhh???...Offensive coaching C-.
  3. disturbing cuzz even when DB and the O line were stinking it up last year the D looked solid(OK-except PITT NE games)
  4. One word....JERRYQUARRY
  5. --at least he hasnt used too much gameclock so far
  6. The GREAT Buffalo D...uhhhh Pittsburgh week 16 minus phat pat
  7. If you put sehorn's brain in a cat..the cat would go crazy.
  8. Signing a lot of high priced free agents to shore up a chronically poor D rarely works...
  9. he hired an ex-official replay coach???...OMG...NY sports radio could be great entertainment this week...
  10. OK----i may have gotten carried away a bit...But look at what RJ deteriorated into.By the time he got to Tampa Bay he could barely hand the ball off without screwing up. I mean he was baaaad. Gruden couldnt wait to get rid of him.
  11. DB had a good first half year...and he is a great guy---and he was waaay better than RJ(the worst QB of all time in the NFL??---well--perhapps there are those who will mention Jay Schroeder).....I wish DB and dallas luck this year.
  12. True... But can you imagine the mistakes Bledsoe would have already made..LMAO-DB would have been blindsided/frontsided/sacked and would have coughed the ball up...ohhhhhh3-4 times by now in addition to having thrown 1-2 picks. He MAY--to give him credit---have converted one of the FGs into TDs.... Thank God he is outta here.
  13. I can't believe you are so judgemental..Like we all haven't cut a few peoples head off now and then.
  14. Yeah exactly......Saying our D was the 2nd best in the league is just silly. Our D is very good----top third of the league.We couldnt stop ANYONE of quality when it counted...and my God did we rack up some stats against Cleveland or what??LOL -And part of thereason why we could never stop anyone in crunch time was the fact that Schobel is only slightly better than a mediocre DE. He could pump up his stats by getting sacks in blowout situations etc. When it came to crunch time he was getting competely neutralized--time after time.
  15. Thanx Bufforange---most realisitic description of Schobel I've heard. I would class him above mediocre and below good. In the situation you describe above--Brady could have a picnic back there before Schobel gets anywhere near. Our very good D coordinator designs the D to make up for/work around the fact that we create little to no pressure from our D line. When you have good DBs,excellent LBS and excellent run stuffers you can make up for this weakness. This is why I am a bit(not a lot) worried about losing Phat pat.
  16. The other couple isn't LESBIAN...so why even bother with the thread??
  17. Had it done 6 years ago...Good results...was VERRRY near sighted----and I am getting slightly near sighted again....BUT...my reading vision is perfect-and for an over 40 guy that is amazing.-So my distance vision is GOOD not great..and my near vision is perfect. Inside lighting--if intense--makes things a bit difficult because of glare.Nighht vision is actually improving over the last few years as my far vision has slightly receded.Only thing at night that bothers me are 2 lane roads where the oncoming lights are blasting me.--But not a huge problem..--Get it done.
  18. Yeah--but do you want hassle or do you want more taxes driving people away---decreasing the tax base---and causing the need to squeeze more $ from fewer people.
  19. Fantastic---thanx!!!.......
  20. Funny--but in reality flu shots are rarely effective cuz its hard to isolate the particular flu for that season.Sometimes it even makes you worse than you would be without it. If you are not very elderly or have a very compromising illness---then the shots are not recommended.
  21. Dont put Flutie in with that group of losers.
  22. Yep.."everyones a winner" by Hot Chocolate
  23. The internet tough guy--who wouldn't dare insult people in person. 'fag'??...'idiot'??--you are pathetic to throw those words around. How about 'sad' for you.
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