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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. the only time schobel will spend in hawaii will be on a vacation that he pays for himself....u gotta be kidding--yeah--its the 'other' linemen that make him look so mediocre.
  2. Villarial the tard....Mularkey the bigger tard---how about a time out you cretin???
  3. milloy isnt aging well like a rod woodson did----he is always a step behind
  4. are both or just one of the announcers TDs homosexual lover?
  5. A Josh Reed catch= An aaron Schobel sack
  6. of course his health is an issue..the guy may need a heart transplant someday..he needs a lower stress job--like QB coach
  7. I think we need to start JP. But he is not better than Holcomb at this stage.-He will be better...--uhmm we all hope...so lets give him a chance.
  8. yeah true---forgot about that.Ralph del scrooge tried to stiff him a year's pay---You know--very few people get that rich without being greedy ba%tards
  9. All very good suggestions.I would love Ted for sentimental reasons--and he SO deserved it over Greggy...--and because TD gave him the brush off because he didnt come in like the good little boy Gregg with his lists of bad coaches. The Fridge sounds fascinating.
  10. I just wanted to make sure people were clear on this. Wade canNOT become the new HC--or else there will be global ramifications.
  11. I think he was a decent coach...but come on.....He had Fat Ted in his prime.Moulds in his prime,Flutie slighltly past his prime,Pat williams coming into his prime,Cowart etc. He had a very solid team...and he didnt screw it up--except on game day when he was the deer in the headlights---and he couldnt manage to fire the worst special teams coach in the history of the universe--and he couldnt get a decent replay guy up in the booth to tell when and when not to throw the yellow flag(he was 0 for every challenge) .We do not want this guy in as a head coach. He should be out D coordinator...nothing more.
  12. L O L--dont confuse us with the facts--we are having too much fun!
  13. I'd take Diane...the dark haired chickis OK...but I would take Diane even at her advanced age:)
  14. lol!!!--i learn new ones on this board every day
  15. I wonder what happened to him?? he got injured??--or did he just suck---my memory fails me.
  16. Who are you referring to?
  17. lol!!
  18. Yeah it does suck. Name an important drive or an important time when Schobel actually put any pressure on the QB.Give me a break. 10 sacks---lame.
  19. Considerable talent at defensive ends??? You are out of your mind.
  20. Bill Walsh wasnt a head coach til age 46
  21. Kubiak could be another Mularkey??? I dont see how you could say that.Kubiak has proven waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more than any assistant in the game has. No other assistant has accomplishments close to his. Belichek made his name as an assistant(yes--he was a head coach--but got a bad rap in cleveland where he led a crap team to an 11-5 record one year)
  22. Modrak and Haslett???? R I P Buffalo Bills and R I P Ralph--cuz you are already brain dead if you let that happen.
  23. Jack Kemp from LA .. .Lamonica from Fresno..
  24. good thought---hadnt thought of kubiak in a while.....-he is a very talented coach--no doubt
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