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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. even more eerie evidence.....inspired play against bad opponenents after a bad start...growing confidence....lottsa talk...people start thinking they are the best in the league at their positions ..big game with pitsburgh comes up---you get the ball shoved down your throat..LOL--you can't make this stuff up....--now they just have to not make the playoffs and completely crumble next year---
  2. lol
  3. of course;)
  4. Is FLAY's still there on Delaware AVE??--used to go there in the late 70s--drink beer--watch skanks
  5. Maybe they just went to some skanky club..and messed around with some ,..well...SKANKS...-and that was the cruise equivalent.
  6. eerie similarities???
  7. 5 years at 1.5 per............more than 99% of us will make in a lifetime.he can retire.
  8. Too bad--Drew is one of the few nice guys around.-But realistically--Dallas is a couple of lucky plays away from being 6-8---with a much better O-line and a much better coach than we have. I honestly think the Bills would be about 6-8 or even 7-7 with Drew still here...but people would still be hollering...--then in 2006-- we would be in the same shape as we are now after breaking in JP after giving the heave ho to Drew. So I think we made the right move by getting rid of Drew . Go Drew!! --I hope the Boys make the playoffs--especially so little Danny doesnt get in;)
  9. But I never said Willis was an average back.
  10. Good point about the line...but OJ wasnt an 'average' back even in the 1st few seasons.he was only getting about 10 carries a game--and was being used as a receiver by that moron coach whose name escapes me. I think OJ averaged 4 yards a carry against a stacked line.He also had 7 kick returns for 333 yds one yr.-And i think 30 receptions one of those yrs.
  11. ...but i agree that the coaching and play calling do SUCK.
  12. i get your point--but it is flawed because a lot of those throws looked like 2nd reads-OR-he had TIME to make that 2nd or third read ........When you see a guy 2 yards down the field --on a 3rd and 5-with 3 tacklers ready to smash him immediately--a good QB will go to a different read--and look for someone else down the field--or try to buy some time to let someone get open.
  13. Oh--so if they show up and give some effort in the Jets game it gives the management team a chance to stay?? I hope the fuel for the firing is already in the tank for Gods sake. Nothing they can do now can reverse this cess pool of a season.
  14. Yes you are.Like Marv used to say--never go for 2 unless absolutley necessary. You miss the 2...then you HAVE to score 2 TDs after that. Also -if Denver scores one field goal in the meantime-they are up by 15 and you HAVE TO get a 2 point conversion.2 point attempts unless absolutely necessary almost always backfire.
  15. ---Just in the last 6 games??? he looks barely average. We should offer him about a million a year--and he should feel lucky to have it-----of course little Danny Snyder will probbly offer him a huge contract.
  16. was that post supposed to have made any sense?
  17. TD needs to go--and i am sure the new GM is gonna want his own coach.Furthermore---when you SUCK you can change coaches anytime you want.Andf when you are REGRESSING --you can change coaches.It is not like MM is showing signs of intelligence.If we saw SOME progress--just SOME--then I would say that it would be silly to terelace him--but why keep going down with the ship just to say you are 'staying with' the coach?? GW TD and MM are a package deal--consider it ONE firing .
  18. and sadly..denver was handing this game to us on a silver platter in the first half. this is such a collosal disaster---that if TD survives this year---there should be a massive boycott of the bills .I am not normally a boycott kinda guy....but enough is enough.
  19. Yeah--cut EM...-Drew Haddad is still goingout for the team next year--so with our depth we should be OK--especially after the O-line gets more consistent--and Schobel wracks up his usual HIGH HIGH sack total. We are on the verge.
  20. oh come on..24 secs left in the 1st half--2 timeouts left--balll near midfield--ya GOTTA let it run down to 10 secs so Denver doesnt have time to get the ball back;)
  21. Naaah..Schobel will put the pressure on them-get a critical sack..
  22. point well taken
  23. Bills 3rd down D...classic...
  24. I think the 10 sack question has been addressed 100 times..Maybe the reality hasnt sunk in yet for you--that those are junk sacks,.He never gets a critical one --or even gets ANY pressure when it counts-especially against a decent team..He is a habitual NON-factor.PRO bowl--what a joke.
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