Its not reasonable to compare Schobel to those players...hence the sarcasm making use of your stats. You use the stats-so its not reasonable for me to uswe them as well?
Yeah--I agree with you--but --as I just said---he puts NO pressure on the majority of plays.-Meaning that he is generally a non-factor.-Good to great DEs consistently (more often than not)-are putting SOME pressure on the QB.
Ask ANY of those teams for a straight up trade for Schobel. Heck---lets just trade Schobel for Peppers plus Carolina's second;)...since schobel had more sacks AND more tackles.
OMG--I listened to a bit of watchtower and she was just 17......--L O L--HORRIBLE-----both the songs sounded just the same too..hehehe..I havent heard anything like that since the Bay City Rollers.