PLUS--if they put on a great gay act....then the access to intimate stuff(being just oneof the girls)...omg i wish i woulda thought of this 25 yrs ago.LOL
We need some young blood in there to give old Ralph a hand.
Does anyone here know a more enthusiaistic 80 yr old than Ralph???-99% of people have basically called it quits by then.
I saw OJ......they were about equal. OJ was on the verge of breaking evry single one...but they kept a couple guys back as 'safeties';preventing the TD s.
Then I guess our HORRIBLE D is just the result of old safeties ,bad coaching and injuries.....-And our inability to stop ANYONE on 3rd downs wasnt Schobels fault at all.Guess I should have been watching closer this year. do make SOME sense...-but Schobel is too often a non-factor...and the Bills generally only get pressure on when they blitz. I think he has gone from slightly below average to average--and that he is NOT a big time passrusher--or even close to it.