Tell him to start spending time with little Jenny down the street---that'll get his mind off the stupid Buffalo Bills(who care absolutely nothing about you or your son or any of us)...
I dunno about that--I thought he took a crap Cleveland team to an 11-5 record--and thought he got a bum deal getting pushed out of town there. Cleveland is a joke franchise(yes--old and new)---and getting rid of Belicek was a very Cleveland- like move.
Jim Kelly---according to most who know/knew him--is a complete horses ass.
Buffalo(generally) tolerates him cuz he won and because he is a tough blue collar guy who stuck around Buffalo.
watching other teams get COMPLETELY outcoached by Belicek. I think too many coaching positions are filled by dumb ex-jocks. How pathetic did the Colts look last year?? that wasnt even a competitive game. I am not sure if Belicek is a genius or if the other coaches are just really dumb.----maybe its a combination of the two-----
I was going to point out that some teams luck into a Montana or Brady or Unitas..........-but that doesnt explain how ridiculous Belicek makes other teams offenses look.
Ralph is too used to seeing black people work at his estates in various ervant roles.I dont think he would be comfortable with a black having that much power.-Its a generational thing/cultural thing with him.
lol--good one....but JP is either a starter or a bust.Holcomb is a natural back-up--can come in and manage a game--and you arent completely screwed when your starter goes down.
I dont think Holcomb is a starter in this league---his wussy pass to Moulds was a prime example of that in the NE game
yes excellent BACK UP DUHHHH..i didnt say excellent QB..he is a very average QB.Show me the back ups in this league and tell me who is better than Holcomb...very few.
OH GREAT.....BROOKS who is a terminally dumb/unfundamental QB and JP who is completely unproven---thats a real Einsteinian solution to the Bills problems.-Oh yeah--and get rid of an excellent back up QB---they are not at all valuable in this league;)