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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. I don't--good point.But I would be astounded if it was. You--on the other hand cant assume that it is on the books.
  2. I agree that the fumbling out of bounds rule is moronic...and that the tuck rule is moronic as well.....but this---unless it is clearly stated--would be a hard one to believe.It is my opinion at this point that the official misinterpreted--under pressure- some rule that he saw on the books. Lets not assume that a rule exists which makes that not an interception.
  3. different scenario.The tuck rule was on the books.This isnt.
  4. BRADY--obviously,.,.He would have won that game for the colts.ala Montana or other clutch QBs.
  5. For one---I think they need YOUNG guys as officials..these guys are way too old--and I am speaking as a 'not so young guy anymore'(late 40s).I think the officials should be very bright(at least 130 IQ)--and preferrably in their early thirties to early 40s.--Enough of these stodgy old fools with slow reflexes out there.This is a billion dollar business----get some real refs out there who are full-timers--and pay them very well.
  6. You dont blame the official??and you have no idea what the verbage was???--that makes sense??--wait til you know what the verbage is--and my guess is that the official is functionally illiterate.
  7. he HAD control til he hit the ground with his knee.so agaian--your explanation MAKES NO SENSE. Its not confusing.
  8. elway won lots of big ones before he won the sb....manning hasnt won any big ones
  9. Its not over yet--this is the weirdest game i ve ever seen
  10. Your explanation makes absolutely no sense..sorry
  11. exactly......what a laugh
  12. should be amusing
  13. un believable---hopefully that official neverworks again
  14. whore official
  15. You mean there were no fat guys available from the end of the bar in south Buffalo??
  16. oh-i thought pillsbury needed a new mascot...cripes--can a guy look more unathletic??......okok----Gregg Williams...... -but---he may be a good qb coach....
  17. because they may have a player they just foolishly want
  18. The Bills played OK--but CINCI stunk--lkook at their last three games total....The Bills shouldnt look at that game and be too proud..they beat an overrated and unmotivated Cinci team
  19. they should trade down and get 2 quality linemen.....they should nevere trade up and risk it on one O-lineman--too Mike Williamsish. Then hit FA as hard as possible. -2 lower r1st round linemen..a 2nd ..a 3rd and 2 good FAs will go a long way.
  20. Hilary Clinton has kept the Devil too busy with her request to be president.I mean..come on..Satan can only do so much.
  21. you SHOULD...because Satan lost this time around.
  22. satans minions may be defeated tonite..thank you God!!!
  23. And I thought we had no pass rush(3rd and lonnnnng..lol)-but i guess it was all the DTs fault.
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