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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. unfortunately the first pg of the article revolves around the quotes from some 16 year old brat.
  2. there was a restaurant called Sharkies?/ sharkies? on the west side of buffalo yrs ago. Seafood..plain little place.Anyone remember the street it was on?? trying to settle a bet.
  3. Uhmm....he had just one great game?--they were playing for the national championship--and he was their leader. Be a bit more reasonable. MAYBE he is another Akili's heal...and maybe a great QB.
  4. BILLS...-a pleasant surprise at 6-10. We need players/talent. We have ONE impact player and he is a kick returner. Draft Young.
  5. LA is about 7 times the size of Buffalo and Rochester combined. It is twice the size even if you include southern ontario -Toronto included. But that is not the issue really--since it is hard to get an area that huge and spread out to focus on one team.It may be TOO big.
  6. SCHOBEL??pro bowl caliber?? ..--its over with--the world has gone mad.
  7. Excellent post StL Bob...-only thing i can think of is that thereis something the public hasnt seen--or that levy sees that tells him in his gut that this guy will be a flop.-I tend to think he is being given up on waaaaaaaay too soon if in fact the rumors are true.
  8. Dear Guff; Dont know you but would like to!!-You gave a great memorial to your friend.I am positive that he is smiling in heaven..but wanting his familys pain and his friends' pain relieved..-but only God can do that. Prayers to your friend's family especially.It must be tough for the son . Tcali
  9. I think Chris Carter is among the greatest WRs ever to play the game.Top 10 easily.
  10. Nate Bowman would be making 7.5 million a year in todays NBA.
  11. I already lost a quarter million in dotcoms...-so i went and bought a rental house and made it all back in 4 years. I dont think Im gonna get too many second chances like that..
  12. Well---welcome...-Didnt know american football was popular in NZ..is it?? cheers
  13. How long does the party last and what will it be like?? I think it would be the all-time celebration in American history. -Of course any chance to get drunk and party in Buffalo in january..... Even an over 40 oldster like me may fly back in from across the country to join in the fun.
  14. collins--good guy..nice arm...one of the worst QBs to ever play. I cant imagine him even starting at a rural high school with 72 students.
  15. Agreed Rocceo. We need to take leinart if he is there.The guy is a winner.That aspect of things is way overlooked by NFL drafters. Too many big arm guys ,fast guys, 'athletic' guys who are losers in college become losers in the pros.
  16. still a solid run stuffer. Probably the best run stuffer of all time. He will be good for a year or two.
  17. Just as long as pauly Walnuts survives--he's the best character on the show.
  18. wow--thats a lot of money for a 38 yr old. Good for him.!!
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