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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. LOL....or at a certain unnamed SUV dealership
  2. lol...Gives new meaning to 'in the bush' by crackey;)
  3. SAnyone who gets drunk and takes a swing at a 6 5 300 lb man is a serious f-ing alky. Thats downright crazy stuff. If this guy doesnt get help he will be dead real soon. He practically won the lottery by swinging at a huge man who just happens to be a gentle guy.
  4. Jonny------well done ..well done..gracias
  5. they told me last nite that they didnt
  6. Oh yeah--Calgary and Vancouver are these huge megalopolis's...lol.. Calgary is smaller than Rochester in metro population.Vancouver -altho much bigger than Calgary--is smaller than Pittsburgh. Toronto is only the really large city in Canada--with about 5 million in its metro area now. Montreal has maybe 3 million metro--about the size of a minneapolis.
  7. Ijust like the name 'Duce Lutui'.
  8. They wouldnt lose too many existing Bills fans?? If you are from Buffalo or Rochester and you are still a Billd fan once they move to Toronto then you are officially a PANSY.
  9. There is one other big city in Canada--Montreal.Give me an f'ing break.
  10. Wow..your post rings so true it is scary. If Buffalo local govt gets involved then the Bills are gone for sure.
  11. Riddick made more than a little contribution. he was a very good,very tough,very quick RB.
  12. Gosh...Mosely--fastest white boy Ive ever seen. Too bad he wrecked his knee.
  13. Tark was one inch taller..and more accurate as a passer. Flutie's downfall wasnt his height ultimately--it was his passing accuracy. tark didnt exactly have a strong arm either.--about the same as Flutie. tark woulda been a huge star in canada as well if he suffered the same fate as Flutie.
  14. vaguely familiar---someone sharp will come up with it
  15. great article--u forget that he retired so young...these days 31 is the middle of your career for the great players.
  16. Sounds rational to me..--Or maybe Ralph could adopt some guy--make him gemeral manager and still get revenue sharing for the bills when he 'crosses over tto the othe side'.Adoption is the answer
  17. I lived inthe midwest(iowa) for a while-true--it is MUCH colder and HOTTER too there.I meant similar weather in a very general sense. Both have pretty nasty winters--them colder---us more snow..
  18. Buffalo,southern ontario, and rochester combined = 3 million.The weather is similar.They DO have the better economy though...but so what?? how does that help them fill the seats?
  19. I take that back--I would hope they catch the horrible disease--all of them.
  20. You must be joking. Short of them catching a horrible disease in training camp--I would wish them only bad luck.
  21. I find football increasingly boring as I get older anyway. I wouldnt watch the NFL. Too many poor QBs and too much poor play. If it werent for the Bills I would have no interest in it.
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