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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. Careful about the definition of 'best'. Lots of RBs had more yards than Gale Sayers...and lots of receivers had more receptions than Lynn Swann.
  2. Jerry Butler was perhaps the best out of the three of them. Also Deubenion might have been up there too with Butler. Marlen Briscoe was up there as well as Haven Moses.Ahmad Rashad???Bobby Chandler?? I dont see a great deal of difference in talent between any of these receivers. They were all borderline greats. Moulds and Reed just did it for longer in eras where there were a lot more receptions to be had.
  3. Hey you--ijust turned 48 too. Now is the time to get a second wind and really live life with gusto. My role model--being a male--is Chuck Norris.66 yrs old--and still a top martial artist and speedboat racer--but more important than the physical is staying mentally active and enthused.Let us 48 yr olds live live with enthusiasm:) cheers tcali
  4. He has a very good sense for the breaks in the defense--but I would not say that he has good moves.Even pre-injury he was more of a straight ahead-find the gaps runner.
  5. Hey man...sorry about your friend.--For me the best thing is to go to a nice quiet church and spend some time in there.Itll keep everything in an eternal perspective. Think about him every day--and he will let you know things are alright.
  6. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. he has to play this yr or he wont get paid.Let him play--and impressively we hope----then use him to move up in the draft next year.simple;);0nudge nudge wiink wink whose you father...
  8. Ok--i didnt mean DBrick
  9. I really think you are wrong. We were so pathetic at safety we needed to shore up that position.Even if we would have drafted Mario,dbrck,and Hawk that wouldnt have been able to make this a good D because of our glaring glaring weakness at safety. Now we have good safeties,good corners, good LBs and an almost average D line.--Well done Marv.
  10. We still need a real DE--not Mike Lodish JR with a high motor
  11. call McCargo 'Clutch'?? ..i say within a week.
  12. Maybe he is a polygamist.
  13. --We should take Haji with the next pick. He's kind of a Roscoe parrish type player.
  14. i think so too barn...lol
  15. well----maybe we could have got him later and maybe not.If we definitely could have then Marv is a moron. But maybe they knew he wouild have been gone--and we would have been stuck with someone Marv didnt like for the privilege of getting a late 3rd rounder.
  16. Excellent post.Much too logical for this board .
  17. ...do we need to pin a nametag on Marv's shirt like we do for some of our other seniors?
  18. Marv's 80 yrs old--dont be so hard on him;)
  19. My aunt could maul our defensive line. Big deal. So the Jets QB gets 10 seconds to throw instead of the usual 8.
  20. even when they were up i could tell they were going to lose..it is that feeling of timidity that they have out there--like scared little moes.
  21. lets see what they are made of now/......Biron game 5??
  22. Beckham?? isnt he about 42?
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