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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. Levys era---these people calling you a jerk got their common sense at the toilet store.
  2. You did nothing wrong starting this thread...--people need to stop over reacting..sheeesh
  3. Classic stuff...very funny...
  4. OJ is out of prison cuz of retards on the jury.
  5. This past season has been a serious disappointment.-But i would still rather watch this level of teh Sopranos than have no Sopranos at all.Its not like they are running out of scripts--there would be plenty to keep it going for another 10 years. They cant kill off tooo many guys if they want to make Sopranos movies though in the future.
  6. She's one of those chicks from the strip club at the end of BUFFALO66.
  7. NOOOOOOOOO---Landon Donovan is the gretaest athlete in the USA!!! reallly!!
  8. Thanx Buftex--I'll check it out:)--by the way--DEADWOODs season premier was top notch.
  9. Ms Dumbas????? explain.
  10. But remember--those property tax rates HAVE TO be charged--because there is not the tax base in Buffalo area to support decent eduactio without it.And as the business drought continues-;--the pressure will continue to keep raising the taxes. When people finally rise up and refuse to pay these taxes---the infrastructure will start collapsing. The only way out of this is to bring in more industry/business.
  11. She needs to win a real womens event first. I dont think she is going about it the right way. She may be completely burned out at 20--or unable to ever win on the womens tour--if she doesnt do things in the right order. But shes already rich;)
  12. Babe ..hmmm had longshoreman arms.........wow---i would guess that she was in fact a man--althoughperhaps hermaphroditic---and had it cut off at a young age.More common than you think.
  13. AHH THE FLU SHOT...sorry you semi-educated people....Flu shots are way less effective than most people think.Half the time they get you sick and dont prevent a thing. If Bruce had had a flu shot he would still likely have gotten sick. PLEEEASE ----flu shot schmu shot.
  14. lol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. This just shows how assinine it is too take this stuff so seriously. Buffalo is a cursed sports town-true.....--but the problem is we have never had the best team in the league in any sport. Even the first SB team was not as good as the 49er team that lost the NFC championship. So maybe our problem is that we never actually have the best team--combined with the fact that we are not LUCKY enough to take a championship given that fact.
  16. Aaaaah..to be a Buffalo sports fan.Torture.
  17. How can you say that about Ironhead?? He was so wonderful!!--so he shattered a guy's jaw.The guy obviously deserved it. He didnt get out of the way in a timely manner.Just remember--he signed a kids autograph and was very nice to some people.So that washes it allll away:) Sinceroidly, Tcali
  18. I heard he bought the old Freddies doughnuts franchise on main. Owner,manager,taste tester.
  19. DC Tom--that was just perfectly written--because it was straight from the heart. I didn't know him but am still very touched.
  20. Watching Ed,monton play last nite--now THAT was a lot of heart.
  21. lets hope they thrive--cuz they stunnnnnk tonite.Listless,Tepid.....
  22. L O L!!---i wonder if the computer monitor would leave marks on your chest though.
  23. I know--these are annoying parts of an otherwise entertaining series.--Like in the beginning of the 'day'--when that girl went down into the basement area to 'check out' something she noticed on the computer-where of course they only had one camera monitoring everything:)..LOL----"go toward the danger go toward the danger"--like mystery science theater 3000...
  24. If you include Rashads career in minny--then he was at least as good as Moulds/reed. Briscoe had crappy teams. Chandler had the best hands of all of them but not the speed. Moses' was a great receiver--on a CRUMMY Bills team--but if you include his denver days he was a major player. --You had to bring up the 20k thing with Rashad!!!L O L!!!--who was the bills GM at the time--that Jagoff who played on the 60s Bills teams--wouldnt pay Cribbs??--or was it someone else.??
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