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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. Yesthose are good examples...but you have to give the person a try.He has done everything asked of him--what else can he do??
  2. coulda woulda shoulda
  3. Poor pass coverage on short routes. Weak rush. Multiple little stupid mistakes by JP and others on Offense--for example--last drive--the second 5 yard pass in a row that JP throws 5 feet too high when he had zero pressure on him=mistake #1..then to compound it the receiver catches the pass when he knew he was gonna be clobbered INBOUNDS..wasting precious time and a timeout. I can name SO many little things like that.This is not a very smart football team yet except on special teams.--although Whitner is a natural and is playing very well.
  4. Stuckincincy---the greatest of all in getting into the endsone---although he did it more by instinct than brute force............. Marcus Allen.
  5. I AGREE--although like Guess who says--you cant put it ALL on him...but it is a bit disturbing that he can never seem to come through on crucial third and shorts and in the deep red zone. Makes you wonder about his ferovciousness/toughness.
  6. Verrry little pressure....AND Pennington was out there showing why he is a good QB.He made the timely throws and was very accurate out there.
  7. I wasnt focusing on the blinside hit...it was the sheer quantity of 'little' wrong decisions that add up. I hope that I am wrong and that he is successful.I like the kid.
  8. well--when you throw two 6 yard passes in the flat waaaay high when there is no pressure on you in a crucial drive......you have to wonder. The yards were misleading. He didnt have any killer instinct that a good QB needs....and he doesnt know how to close out a drive. Yes--he threw a few beautiful passes...and his arm is plenty strong..but if you switched QBs we win by 17.
  9. Simply put Rolly...and very true. And the O part of the blame has to fall on Losman.
  10. One can think that he is going to be a bust--and have that opinion while still being open to being wrong.So far JP hasnt shown INSTINCTS--which are the most important part of football--especially for a QB.--He makes a lot of smalll wrong decisions that add up in the end. Having an opinion like this doesnt mean that it is set in stone. I really hope that I am wrong.
  11. Terrible game management. Inability to get the ball in the endzone when needed. A lot of poor decisions. RJish...but not THAT bad.
  12. JP doesnt have good football instincts. I certainly hope I am wrong --but I just dont think he has what it takes to be a good QB in the NFL. I believe a lot of people on this board are really kidding themselves.
  13. You should have just thrown your $$ into the fireplace for a faster result.
  14. Flutie--what an amazing athlete....and he was 35 or 36 at the time he was running thru these guys......I wish we woulda got him at age 27 or 28......too bad. Of course RJ was better..L O L
  15. Very true.....we were completely unable to do any other system due to our unathletic safeties........-Not eeryone can still play safety at 34 like Rod Woodson could.
  16. Yes--the attitude is a refreshing one----and its a good sign.
  17. My pick: Schobel...wracking up uselesss sacks in meaningless games and meaningless situations just doesnt cut it anymore.... Ronny Seikaly and Sharif Abdur Rahim....and Schobel..
  18. Of that group of course its Collins...just awful.....and a shame cuz he was a hell of a nice guy. Big,strong,good arm......................horrrrrrrible QB---how the hell he even made a junior high football team just astounds me.
  19. Schobel is better than Willis??? silly. I would agree with McGee..and thats about it. Clements had an 'off' season aswell--so i would call it a draw between him and Willis. Fletcher hustles--but is not a GREAT talent.Spikes is possibly the best player on the bills when healthy. talent-wise I think its between McGee and Evans...altho Evans has to prove he can do it as a #1.
  20. TT can barely read...I mean no offense to the guy...but...
  21. 'Anchorman' reference..--i liked that sophomoric movie..
  22. Levy--im not so sure i woulda come to your aid so fast...LOL...but its not an unforgivable sin;)
  23. Ooooooooooooooooooooooooops...mea culpa..mea maxima culpa... Levy apologized i hope...
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