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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. He DID have Drew,Moulds, a healthy Spikes,Pat Williams and Sam Adams...we had better talent with him.---I DO think that the Mularkey criticism is ridiculous though.
  2. Is that Bledsoe and losman are both great guys---and it would have been great to see them really succeed here. Kelly---kind of a horses arse---is the big Buffalo kingpin.......
  3. Willis is a good running back.Not great but good. He is not a problem--unless he asks for BIG money..If he does then bye bye Willis.
  4. We need to stick with Losman. Once he is taken out of the lineup it is over for him.Lets give him the whole season.
  5. NO--but he can put a lot of pressure on the QB.
  6. We dont have near the talent or near the QB that we had that 4-12 year---BUT--we of course need to give Marv time.
  7. WOW--its great to hear such heartfelt honesty--it is very refreshing.Thanks for the post.
  8. Honest to God---you think there was pressure on Brady??...Are you well?
  9. It s people like you who will make us suffer thru many more years of awful football.
  10. We coiuld pick the next anthony Munoz next year and it wont matter. We still have to get an entire d line and the rest of the O-line and a QB....its hopeless. Give up.
  11. Schobel is in no way a legitimate starter--unless you think someone who puts NO pressure on the QB for several games in a row is a legitimate starter..LOL...perhaps on a 4-12 team he is legitimate. He is a 'utility' defensive player.....a decent backup perhaps. The others i basically agree with but one is the punter and one is the kicker..that leaves 9...out of 22.--And Fletcher and Crowell and McGee are very average..
  12. Oh and dont forget we need an entirely new defensive line.Great pressure on Brady today.---So a QB ..an entire offensive line and an entire defensive line.-This team will be DOMINANT by 2015...my prediction.
  13. That is pretty funny---cuz this season seems like a waste already--like its over
  14. The defense is GOOD???....lol--they will be good when we obtain a defensive line. Im not blaming Jauron or Levy YET----except for not getting Leinart.--But they better get the o and D lines fixed reaall soon--as well as the QB situation
  15. THOSE MARKET POPULATIONS ARE WAAAAAAAY off...Cleveland 4.8 million??--does that include sheep and squirrels???....and Rochester isnt included in the Buffalo market---and Milwaukee isnt included in the Green Bay market----silly.
  16. Very well stated..and true.--Lets hope JP will be fine...he seem s like a good kid.
  17. LOL--terrorism saves the western new York economy.
  18. yeah--so therefore JP is nearly as good as Kelly was.The proof is in the numbers.
  19. Bill. I think the grammar was correct in the context that it was used.-He could have used a colon after the previous sentence though to make it more correctlike;)
  20. Very very true. If the Bills win the SB I fly into town from wherever the hell I am and celebrate . Being a fan since 1964-----it would be an unbelievable feeling.
  21. Silly . Anyone could see the composure of Leinart out there. YOU would vote Bledsoe into the hall of fame if you could.
  22. ???????--Did I pick out a few specific things and blame it on JP??...No.Of course I didnt. I looked at the overall play. You just dont get it do you??
  23. LOL --sad but rue.
  24. Leinart is a cool customer with very good football instincts.Just what it takes to be a successful QB in this league. We should have taken him--which I and manyothers on this board have a;ready mentioned.
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