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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. Well done boys!! now D make em work for every yard
  2. aaah--the OLD Willis!!! use those 230 LBS!! mini Jim Brown
  3. I didnt say crap---i said average with some good moments...lets not get carried -he still disappears for lonnnng periodsaway.
  4. our best player per position-----either the 1st or 2nd best in the league(lechler also awesome)
  5. Agreed---with the rare exception when you can get a wife beater or wifebeater/murderer with the pick.
  6. OK--agreed with exc of we need a much better pass rush if we are gonna have a mediocre to average run defense. Mediocre run D plus mediocre pass rush plus even a very good Pass D still = very average D.
  7. I believe the Chicago Bears had a really good record sveral years back where they were squeaking out evry game.Im just saying that it can set up false expectations for the following year. PS--grow up and stop with the name calling
  8. If all these things happen we are still gonna be mediocre at best.We need to reach higher than that.
  9. tho Bills not worthy of 7-5 record. Problem is that a record being better than the team actually is could lead to a big letdown the next year when a BETTER Bills team could have a worse record
  10. 5-7 record with a team at this talent level=excellent job! Only complaint is some clock management...But no reasonable person could expect any coach to do better than 5-7 with this team. Weak O and D lines along with a suddenly very average LB corps since Takeo went down and a suddenly mediocre group since Crowell went down. Jauron has prepared this team well.
  11. We need both O line and D line. We may actually need D line more.When is the last time we stopped ANYONE in a crucial situation?? or put pressure on the QB(sorry deluded schobel supporters--he is an ADEQUATE DE) when it mattered at all?
  12. I think he was making a play on phrases. Gee- give the guy a break.
  13. He is Michael McDonald's lessser talented child...kinda like Julian was to John.
  14. Apparently 'GOD' is a very uninteresting and materialistic subject...since so few Brits attend church now. So 'uncivilized'.
  15. God bless you Glen. And thank you for your service to the country.
  16. -AND-everyone talks like he will be great when he comes back.-Lets remember he wont have the juice to lean on.
  17. Thats it. Im applying for a 'spotter's' position as well as first aid giver for these young ladies. They need an older experienced man to make sure they dont get inured.
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