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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. UNBELIEVABLE!!!----I think lot of us may be thinking about OUR past actions---and getting chills!!!!!!!!!!!!!!yikes....poor guy
  2. I would say we'd be 3-11 or 4-12...Holcomb at QB.--Completely demoralized and unorganized team. GW and Mularkey---good work TD!!!!!!lol
  3. thanks fez---but there is a windowslive something or other---better than google earth
  4. WOW---that last Johnny Cash album is tough to take. You have to love the guy. RIPx2 Man in Black
  5. YESSSSS--sad sad sad--but also beautiful and hopeful!!!!!!!!
  6. What is the windows equivalent of google earth?? i heard it is better(for the free version anyway) Thanks...
  7. I like Schobel. He is a tough above average D lineman. But he is not this great player that so many on here think. Thats all. He is a good part of a mediocre D line.-He is not 'one heck of' a player...sorry. He is a GOOD player. -Im just concerned that people think that our D line is in good shape.Its not. Its the D line of a 6-10 to 9-7 team at best.
  8. Im also cautious about next year--especially if we have ridiculously high expectations.Without improving our lines(especially on defense--schobel isnt reggie white no matter what the deluded on here think) ,signing clements and getting a healthy Spikes in there--we may be 6-10 next year.
  9. -oh I hope you are ready for fire and brimstone young man.
  10. I dont normally like the big mouth....but he is absolutely right about the D line.Is that even debatable?? Of course he is wrong about peters--who is quite a talent.
  11. Hey man-- of course u r right---thought we were talking behind LOS.
  12. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOPS!!--misread you guys--thought it was behind the line of scrimmage.Of course it was a good call.Live ball which the chargers recovered. Mea Culpa!!
  13. its not a fumble if he didnt control it.i think the league is gonna mea culpa about this one.
  14. LOL--that is some very funny stuff. But your Qbs are a bit off. Remember Tom rocket arm Flores??--who had to wind up to throw a 10 yard pass???--And Ruben Gant was a very good TE. John Fina was OK.--And Chris Burkett was OK as well.
  15. VA Bills0)--Thank you much for the Haynes quote. No one was ever better than James at DB. There were probably a few equals --but none better. And its a shame that most people outside of buffalo have never heard of him.
  16. Exactly--although he is definitely improving......People on this board can be very foolish when it comes to player e v a l. As I predicted earlier this season when schobel was doing absolutely nothing for games on end--a complete non-factor--that he was gonna have a few decent games and take advantage of a few inexperienced O linemen and wrack up a few sacks.And now people are putting on their kneepads and worshipping him like he is this great DE force..LOL. JP has been very good the past 3-4 games. He was lousy before. He has made progress and has earned the starting spot for next year. He could be a very good QB.Lets hope so. at the same time lets not give him a 50 million dollar contract quite yet;)
  17. OMG---Ted Washinton!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! --dumb me:))))I think he's the best run stuffer of all time in the NFL.
  18. Poor job. Unless they are just your faves and not the best players. AVP over lamonica,Kemp,Ferguson???? ANY of those receivers over Jerry Butler?? No Billy Shaw? or Kent Hull? NO ROBERT JAMES at corner????
  19. western and eastern european combo---your survey sucks
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