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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. Will Willis want to go into the 'Hall' as a Buffalo Bill or a Toronto Bill??
  2. ALASKA----the best teams back then would crush the best teams now.Its the salary cap. There is no team now in the same universe as those niner,giant,cowboy teams.
  3. YOU have questions about his HOF status??? cuckoo cuckooo cuckoo cuckooo
  4. Huhh??-didnt we mention that Montana had to play by farrr better teams???
  5. --Oh great---another one of 'those' guys whose gonna end up fathering 37 kids. Lets hope they dont also get the U of M football education(=illiterate)
  6. Thats all he had--plus Bledsoe had a ziliion dollar conract. I repeat---Bledsoe was and is a coach killer. Vince lombardi couoldnt win with him in there.--and that one SB year NE had tons of talent and pudgyman as coach.
  7. But Ralph knows he will go to hell for eternity if he allows that to happen. I think that affected his already made decision.
  8. He was crappy because he had BLEDSLOE the coach killer. Get real.
  9. Did you notice how he was running with 2 hands on the ball???-that slowed him enough so he couldnt get in. As much as i hate the cowgirls---i felt sorry for the guy.
  10. Sysytem QB???lol...thats why he played so well at age 38 with a bunch of junk in Kansas City. Brady is great...but you cant say anyone is BETTER than Montana---especially in big games.He was otherworldly in big situations. Montana DID have better talent around him--I agree...but he also had better teams he had to play against since it was pre-salary cap. The fact that Brady is mentioned in the same sentences as Montana is a great compliment to Brady. When Brady marched down the field completey colly and calmly in that Raider game(after he F U M B L E D ) I knew the guy was something special.He was in a zone--no panic at all---that few QBs achieve.
  11. lol!!--but i guess fat boy gets the last laugh.He has stolen about 30 million bucks already.
  12. my house in CA is worth 550,000...but assessed at about 220,000 cuz of prop13 here. My prop taxes are about $2400/year....but schools here suck--you gotta take that into consideration.
  13. Philly 30 Giants 6 NE 17 JETS 16 KC34 INDY 33 Dallas 23 Seattle 9
  14. I believe the league average is HIGHER now--so you must figure that in.Different defnsive [philosophies etc
  15. Yeah---with Fat Pat and the other fat guy on the D line as well as moulds and Evans and a healthy Spikes
  16. YEAH---especially when their D line is getting overpowered like ours used to.
  17. Go PHILLY!!!!!!!!!!---how unlikely were they tpo do anything a few weeks ago???-I like Garcia --very good QB whp the Bills should have gotten 4 years ago--but of course no one listened to me in the Bills front office:)
  18. YEP.Love Fletch but forget about him.He has nowhere to go but down. He has maybe 2 good years left. Aaaaahhhh---age-the enemy of athletes.
  19. Our DEs get As????????????????????????????????? Its deluded thinking like that that perpetuates the culture of losing in buffalo.
  20. Nooooo..on a few he was quadruple teamed!!!--and he was breathing down the QBs neck. Move over Bruce!!!!
  21. Mommy----lets watch 'Baaaah Humbug' together with grandma and grandpa
  22. He has played well enough the 2nd half of the season to earn a free pass or two.I must admit I was a severe skeptic about JP--and have been turned into a very minor skeptic who thinks the kid probably has what it takes.
  23. --What happened was an above average DE got double teamed a few times....an above average DE was playing the way he plays in about half of the games. Great DEs are not non-factors in half the teams games.
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