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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. OMG--he was absolutey hilarious in Barney Milller...great character actor and comedian. 71 is too young to go..
  2. Very simply--this Pats situation is more than about Pats football. Its about there being a God--which i know now there IS!!! Because the satanic duo of belicheck and Brady has been defeated. Glory to God.
  3. LOL!!! very very good stuff. The Onion comes thru as usual.
  4. I wonder if they are pusrsuing 05 nate or 06 nate;)--they may be disappointed with 05 Nate
  5. TEs coach?? I could do that!! I guarantee i could do that. I'll do it better and for half the money.
  6. She is still plenty good for my old balding self:)
  7. Of course Im not talking about any particular disgrace of a football game
  8. True. Not all of them did--but the vast majority had to to maintain those cartoonish physiques. Lets not be naive.Its amazing how many of these guys lives fall apart personally,physically etc by the time they hit their 40s. Steroids coursing thru a mans body do a hell of a lot of damage.
  9. Yeah real shock. Years and years of steroid and other drug abuse leads to unstable behavior,internal organ breakdown, and a lot of deaths of men in their mid 40's.
  10. 2nd day OL..plus one lower tier O lineman?? nad no D linemen in free agency or draft??? you must love our powerful high motor D line..LOL.U R joking I hope.
  11. right on. Lee evans and McGee returning kicks are the only real playmakers we have.We need one at RB and a leader---Maybe Losman will turn into one
  12. I will pray for Vinatieri...YESSS--beautiful...just beautiful(tears flowing)
  13. Oh sorry that was adam not you..-Pat would have been a big improvement----but by their mid thirties athletes(and all people) start to take a quick physical nosedive..sad but true. Pat has one great year left in him
  14. Pat s too old for the price you mentioned--he will be 35.
  15. Horus.....Holy S!!! you are a big fella!!!--i think sumo mnight be your position.You speak Japanese??
  16. I agree. My 'Steroids??' question was rhetorical.
  17. players are SMARTER?????????????? lolololololololhahahahahahahahha The league is far worse than before at the top third of the league--which is of course because of the salary cap.Yes--the bottom third teams are better now than they were pre salary cap. Why do you think the guys are bigger faster stronger??? more steroids??
  18. WAIT A SEC....we dont love Marty---we hate EVIL(Belichek). there is a big difference.
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