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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. Great post. Its amazing that the first year Marv is here is the first year since he left that this is actually an intelligent/organized team.
  2. Thats a hell of a lot of money for playing 3 minutes per game.
  3. My guess is there was a one in a million chance for him to survive. There is always that once.
  4. When you buy from Walmart you are servicing the devil.--Not to cast any aspersions about Walmart though.
  5. The Lions will still lose 10+ games no matter who they sign.
  6. LOL--knew who you were talking about even before i looked at the video..I like him too.
  7. God Bless Grandpa and God bless you!! Straight to heaven for him:)--and he will always be close to you..
  8. I think a lot of medical doctors like to make sure that the $$$ stays with the medical profession. They(well a lot of them) love calling other professions quackery
  9. he has some white in him--and probably had a white wife
  10. Wow--there is a blast from the past..I always liked Marve--very quality LB.
  11. What is the over under on their combined IQs??.......I'd say 190.
  12. Hope everything went well:)--oh I see from the posts that he is doing OK.. Lots of prayers for him:) Tcali
  13. Its a tie--they are both solid 8.8s. The first broad from last season is in her 30s while the 2nd one from this year is in her 20s. When in doubt go for the ex[erience
  14. She is about 43....which just makes her hotter cuz she seems more accessible and more experienced;)
  15. Jenna would be OK--she doesnt do guys a lot...so u may be able to generate a little friction there still.
  16. Hey sorry: Anyone who saw Lynn Swann play knows that he was a better receiver than Reed. According to you Emmit Smith and Franco are better RBs than OJ was.
  17. Our 87 and 88 Ds were much better than our SB Ds. Too bad--its timing...-We were way undersized on the D line and too slow at safeties.
  18. SADLY--Reed had his owrst game in his biggest game.But that shouldnt keep him out on its own.I think he is a marginal hall pick
  19. #2 LOL--prime example of how statistics can be misleading. That was an average D that could never stop anybody when it counted or put any pressure on anybody when it counted(Schobel)
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