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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. God Bless him and his family. After a certain age we all realize that life isnt fair.-But hopefully the afterlife is.
  2. Jeff George had a hall of fame arm...thats all....big difference
  3. In front of an antique store---with a head dress on.
  4. He has that same stupid expression on his face when he plays guitar.-Comicbook like.
  5. LOL....-I will make sure the other guys will avoid the collarbone
  6. There are movies and possible furure specials/shows. Tony and most of the characters will NOT get killed off. Can you imagine the movie money they could make????--It would be like Star Trek.
  7. I heard about it--would LOVE to see it...---Its an Eric Idle creation i believe..
  8. lol---me too. I know 49 yr old, balding guys are a bit out of her league...-but i would make the sacrifice.
  9. I would put the sopranos and deadwood up with NORTHERN EXPOSURE as shows i would never want to miss.
  10. Should be an amazing show. I like Morrissey solo better the the Smiths.
  11. DEADWOOD---produced by a Buffalo guy...was just as good as The sopranos----but the dialogue was too intelligent for the american public...-got cabcelled after 2 or 3 seasons
  12. MMMM....that MAY work --but we could still do better
  13. Philly let Garcia go and got HOLCOMB....L O L !!! nuff said.
  14. You are absolutely right. The more we get bashed the better I know Marv has done.
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