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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. Daboll .....we are leading this game if he were more on top of things
  2. same reason 36 yr old rodgers never injured...they throw the damn ball away--or run the damn balll when its obvious they are blitzing all the time. Dumb Bills
  3. that was on McKienze---shoulda been a TD--gotta catch ball with hands in that situation
  4. its a friggin TD if the WR catches it with his hands not his body....Good throw Allen
  5. come on allen--how bout sensing that rush a bit---stop locking in
  6. All the bills offense needed to do so far was keep the passes short and quick mixed with runs and we'd be in this game. poor job by daboll
  7. JA isnt doing anything stupid out there.He just cant hit the broadside of a barn. Thankfully the defense is playing well.
  8. its not his fault--the wind is in the wrong direction.;) Love JA---just not with these playcalls
  9. JA needs to have a great game if we r to compete with BALT. So far he has missed 2 open receivers.Come on Daboll u arent gonna beat BALT with the long ball.
  10. Its heavily dependent on JAs play.JA was not that great til the last 3 games.If he would have had a good smart game we would have handled Cleveland easily. PS-Browns are not that far away from being a good team.
  11. I have lived in both Buffalo and the SF Bay area,I will take Buffalo overall because the bay Area is a traffic nightmare and the cost of housing is crazy.i would recommend the bay area only if your net worth is above 5 million.
  12. I love Buffalo and the people there,I grew up there and visit often.But Buffalo has that small town sensitivity(well--many of the people who live there) where they take deep offense at jokes about the city. Baltimore is a rat infested hellhole. --I dont think people in baltimore get personally offended by that statement of fact.
  13. yep hauschka is a shell of his former self. maybe he will be OK by next fall.That guy shoulda been kicked out of the game for that hit. I dont even remember a penalty on that i agree. i like both darnold and mayfield.they are both going to be very good. mayfield is already good
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