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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. A guy not good enough on his own--who needs greast players around him to look good...thats just great.
  2. I agree. And we shouldnt have to overpay...maybe a 2nd or 3rd.
  3. Sadly this has been a poor team and a poorly run franchise.....witnessed by the eons since the last playoff appearance. Bad teams draft bad or problem players...and hire bargain basement coaches...and drive great GMs out of town. Other than the Polian era (which Ralph caused to end) this has been a poor to mediocre franchise.Half arsed.--If we dont get a passrush and big WR and if Edwards doesnt develope we will be poor to mediocre til Ralph dies and the franchise moves to Toronto.
  4. Hey tell me bout it--I may be heading there this year. I want mostly atmosphere,music/food--perhaps a touch of gambling.
  5. Dreeeeeamerrr...silly litte dreeeeeeeeamer......the best players out of that group are Lindell and Peters. I say 2 if we are lucky.
  6. It doesnt make any sense to me to judge a WRs ability on pure speed. THAT is what doesnt make sense.-Sure if all other things are equal--but when are they ever equal??
  7. I agree...Jerry Rice....Bobby Chandler..art monk....none of them speedburners-esp in the 40. Can the guy play WR?? Football ability is not the same as track and field ability.
  8. Yeah tru but our pass rush is comically bad. We need to address it.
  9. What you say is very true. If Harvey turns out to be a great player---that will help us get much closer to the pats though.
  10. DE is#1 priority...with big WR close second
  11. If we pick a DE who is effective this year....and Trent mans up...and we get a tall WR..then we have an outside chance of sneaking into the playoffs.
  12. Very true taterhill.....BUT they coulda had Briere at 5 mil/yr....and Drury as well....I think at those prices--if they had forethought---it woulda been worth it. Should they have paid what the Rangers and Flyers did?? NO. But they didn't have to.
  13. I dunno---Golisano has to do a lot of stupid things for many many years until he reaches Ralphs level.--If he fires Regier and Lindy and keeps Quinn...then I'll start re-thinking my position.
  14. I like your thought process.... but I think we are so undertalented at DE that we cant do it.
  15. Wow---before i even saw what you picked i thought of the Chandler catch. I was there/in person/in awe---He made so many amazing catches for a slow short white guy.What an amazing football talent. God rest his soul.
  16. JAYZUSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS......--wow she looks like some dude in his late 20s with a slightly receding hairline and a normal one day growth of beard.....YIKESSSSSSSSS!!!--------and she doesnt look that horrible anymore in the new photos......wow.
  17. you could fish out the window of your condo.
  18. Tcali


    SAW IT yesterday aft....one of the biggest pieces of garbage I have seen. Took a good premise and turned it into a complete DUD. It got so bad I walked out after an hour or so.
  19. Ever since THAT 70s SHOW was cancelled he has been out of work.Give him a break.
  20. if u ever saw Hill play outfield---that story is very believable
  21. so true. but such an elusive idea to the many potential lion GMs on this board.
  22. ?????????????????????? N E W Y O R K Giants. 30 th D. O line which cant run block. And you want to blow the 11th pick on a WR?? Go back to football school.
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