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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. We got rid of the better goalie.....OR our defense is horrible........ or somewhere inbetween.
  2. LOL..you must be joking. The guy is ancient.For a 1st????????????
  3. I think the field was 80 yards long when his coach played.
  4. McKelvin will get about 12 million guaranteed...
  5. http://www.thestar.com/Business/article/411371 This guy doesnt look like he has 5 years or more to wait around.
  6. I think she is attractive. But she better not take ANYTHING or ANYTHING more that will increase her testosterone levels or she will transition into that man mode--where the jaw gets a bit too square etc.
  7. at least this latest guy...seem to think that the move to Toronto has already happened. He states that Buffalo can never build a 900 million dollar stadium..etc. While it is hard to argue with the fact that we are not in Toronto's league financially etc.-I do think that the future Toronto ownership does not have the patience to wait out another 5-7 years if Ralph lives that long. I think they want their own team and they want it sooner than later. They also have to get the new stadium built;which takes time. This is a strange situation. If I were a wealthy Torontonian lusting after a new team I'm not sure I would have made the deal with Ralph that I did unless there were some secret deal with Ralph to buy the Bills OR they feel strongly that they need this game or two a year to get public support for a stadium and league support to get the expansion team. -I don't see billionaires as people who like to share their toys.
  8. Hate to burst peoples bubbles.....but glucosamine and chondroitin dont build cartilage or rejuvenate joint cartilage. They work as mild anti-inflammatories(a good thing) without the negative side effects of the anti-inflammatory drugs(also a good thing).But thats about it. I have a close friend who head up the largest natural products research facility in the US--part of a major UNIV. He is very open-minded..and is a PHD biochemist.
  9. But...but he benched 225 LBs 804 times....he must have been a good player.
  10. I think we are now a middle of the pack D instead of the worst in the league like last year.
  11. Cute attempt....but Belicheat was a helluva coach going 11-5 with a crap Clevekand organization and was the reason Parcells won anything. However...YES--Jauron has had garbage to work with at QB.I have my doubts --seeing how anal rentative the guy is in his coaching style---but I woulda said the same thing about Coughlin not too long ago.We'll see.
  12. I would recommend anything by Thomas Aquinas.
  13. He is already excellent at squeaking out wins we dont deserve. He outperforms expectations with a low talent football team. Nowv can he win when he has about 75% of the tools he needs?
  14. I agree but it is very hard to compare Metz with warlick--2 different eras. McKellar was good and Seymour was prbably our best blocker.
  15. Oh I thought you were talking about that bar on Allen where we useed to listen to bluegrass in the early 80s.
  16. I wonder what OJs 40 speed would be today(well probbly slow;0---but i mean with the clocking they use)....He was only a part of the 4x 100 relay team at USC that broke the world record...but other than that his accelerationn was worrisome--the way he got caught from behind all the time.
  17. So what you are saying is that they are not very good unless they have very good players in the middle drawing attention away from them. Hmmmm...what was their excuse when we had fat Pat and fat Ted and fat Sam? Yes Schobel made the probowl-- but many people could see thru that the way he disappeared for so many plays and for so many plays when it counted. And those people who saw thru him were justified when he completely disappeared after fat pat left as well as fat sam. Schobel is one microspicly thin slice of an atom above average....not what we really need to be in the same universe as the contending teams.
  18. I would rate this draft an A....not because we got what we wanted ideally(which was a passrushing stud)...but because we got the best players we could for what was available. The stud D linemen were gone by our pick....and the best CB avaailable was out there. So smart move there. And we didnt pull the potential bonehead move of the year by drafting a WR early on....phewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. Ellis at DE...how he developes could go a long way into showing how well the Bills do this year.---But even if he doesnt develope that well we have set ourselves up nicely for 09 by plugguning most of the non DE holes--so that we can heavily focus on DE for 09.--Unless of course Trent still plays like a wuss...then we are screwed cuz its back to the QB drawing board then.
  19. Glad we aren't the Bengals??? And glad we are the Bills???--must be our sterling ownership and management over the past 10 years...and over 22 out of the 38 years before that.
  20. That is so true. Thurman has come a long way. He could barely speak english when he got here.,
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