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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. Hey get off their case-I'd be delusional and in denial too if my superbowls were rendered essentially invalid.
  2. With the Bills DEs its not about age its about lack of talent.
  3. "I had always been more interested in writing fiction over non-fiction, however being open to writing in all ways, I gave news stories a shot. In my final year of high-school I wrote my first article for the Toronto Star, which got published; I remember the feeling was unmatched. Up until then I had only had my ....." It took me about five seconds to find this writing sample of yours.-You have managed to create a disaster in two mere run-on sentences. Congratulations.
  4. I agree Billadelphia......There should be no assumption he would have won those SBs anyway.He could have lost all of them easily. And he may never have gotten to them. I will go along with the fact that he is a great coach--you can't deny that.Most coaches could cheat all they want and still never win anything. I also disagree about Pete Carrol. Pete Carrol is an excellent coach who was saddled with DREW THE COACH KILLER.
  5. Wow you are setting new delusion records.
  6. shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...................... ...................................................................
  7. hmm hard to argue with that.....but whats your point?
  8. Hallmark cards wants YOU!
  9. Oh lighten up Mr. guilty white liberal. -I think he should have really shot the guy --and was too wimpy to do it.
  10. on your dad? Just curious. Probably 30-40% is my guess.Thought I'd lighten things up a bit.
  11. lol...but kinda sad in its truthfulness
  12. No NFL career no $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ for ole dad.......lol& duhh. Trade him to the Bengals
  13. I think he wants people to focus on his Bills days..lol.Even if he hated the Bills--which he doesnt--It wouldnt be beneficial to him for people to remember him as a redskin in future generations. He was getting to be a pretty pathetic player by the time he played for the Skins.
  14. yeppp..i said it louder so im right!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. So true. We still stink til we prove otherwise.30th D 30th O.
  16. I never said that the average Joe should just buy some house and expect to make money off of it.Its not that easy. And as I said...-there are areas to 'invest' in residential real estate and there are areas not to--such as Buffalo. In places like California and Florida there has been an overall increase of about 6 % a year over the past 40 years. Add onto that the fact that you are investing using borrowed money and u retain all the gains on an investment that you rarely ever own completely. Add onto that the tax advantages--which are huge. One must be able to or willing to hold a property for 8-10 yrs if necc because of course real estate doesnt go up on a smooth ascent--its looks more like a sine wave.If u speculate on a house that u cant pay for for 8-10 yrs then you may as well go to a casino in vegas--just ask those who bought real estate in FL or CA or NV in the past 1-4 yrs.
  17. Ted Rogers is old and not looking great. He may not have the patience or the health to wait out Ralph if Ralph lasts another 5-6 years.
  18. OUCH! sorry to hear that Fan in SD. I have nightmares about nightmare tenants .....and altho ive only been stiffed once(guy moved out and didnt pay last 2 months and left the place a mess).
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