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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. Will they let him out of jail between 1 and 4 on sundays?
  2. The operation was performed inside the 20 yard line at the Ralph.
  3. lol..lol---you should do this professionally
  4. Kingpin was excellent---but dark and a bit gross and disturbing.-The opening scene where he had hair and was the bowling rock star--the way he smiled and moved--was one of the funniest things Ive ever seen.
  5. JK in CA even with the drastic decrease in home prices----519K doesnt buy you much unless you are in some godforsaken oart of the central valley.I mean--you can get a nice house for that outside of LA or SF areas,,,but nothing more than a 2500 sq ft ranch on a third acre.
  6. I think there should be forfeiture of the SBs plus state prison time.
  7. You must live in a nice part of FL..because alot of FL is way down
  8. Well--it seems like a lot in BUFFALO for that house.. I thought those house went for in the 4s.
  9. Don Rickles?...Did he also say "I gave him a cookie and he went away"?
  10. Of course Young is by far superior to either of our QBs.Thats not even debatable.He is a winner--altho not in the classic QB style.
  11. There is no doubt we have more talent this year.Yes Trent must be more manlike and stop folding up inside the 20....BUT----we still have our mediocre DEs--lets hope the new guy has some talent.
  12. -- First thought: Bill Belichick should be suspended for the entire season. Second thought: How terrible, really, was the crime? The first two times the Patriots got caught filming an opponent's signals, the punishment was that the cameraman was asked to leave. Get outta here, you knucklehead! If I rob banks for a living, and the first two times I get caught they tell me to please leave the bank, I'm thinking I have fallen into a pretty good line of work.
  13. Cripe he was just running for county executive in the fall...hmm.. I remember him almost getting into a brawl at a picket line(think it was cops or police) down at city hall..lol A definite tough irishman.And completely politically incorrect.
  14. holy S!! I never had the guts to jump off something that high..I think my record is about 35 feet--and that seemed like a hundred when I was up there.-My stomache goes in my throat just thinking about it.
  15. yes you are. i just drove up to toronto last year.got hassled by american customs on the way back.wanted to punch the little nerdlings teeth in....but then again that would have delayed me even further.
  16. Just arrange for the father in law to be taken care of.Its traditional for him to get 'firsts' from the lovely entertainers.It can be discreet--she could just happen to be at the hotel.....
  17. Horrifying for everyone. They won't have a light hearted moment again in their lives.-Only prayer and closeness to God will make it bearable.
  18. Exactly.Neither. He is a very accomplished actor.
  19. [--I wish they'd stop mumbling.Can't understand them.
  20. I was in the pacific ocean north of san francisco one time...knee deeep about 70 feet off shore when I felt this tremendous force against my legs.I knew it was some kind of a strong current.And I knew that I couldnt let myself fall or I woulda been dragged out there. I tensed and didnt/couldnt move for about 1 minute(felt like 5 minutes).Then the pressure finally went away and I carefully trudged onto shore.I then proceeded to warn every single person on the beach.A lot of the people just kinda brushed off what I was saying---but at least I told them.Hopefully they took some heed. If I were out in the water just slightly farther and had been in slightly deeper water I would have been carried out there. YIKES.
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