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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. Exactly.Completely different era and of course the completion %s werent ridiculously high like they are today.-Kemp definitely not a hall of famer altho a very good AFL QB.
  2. All Lindell does is make an astoundingly high % of his FG attempts. There ARE great FG kickers in the league right now-true. But Lindell should be top 10.
  3. i'll be 67 and still kicking butt in bars.....cough...
  4. Thats all nice buit they are gonna create a helluva lot of pollution cuz those batteries gotta be powered and that foodstuff needs to be harvested.I dont think those crops are gonna be harvested by themselves--they need a helluva lot of oil.The main energy source we have now is coal--filthy and radioactive. The only way to make electric cars make sense is if we increase our nuke power capacity very very quickly.
  5. I agree with Vince Young..the guy is a winner and a difference maker even though he isnt the classic QB. His football IQ is very very high--you could see that at Texas.
  6. Carson palmer at #8??--well I guess its tough to tell --with that loser defense he has its hard to win.
  7. IMO, Lynch did exactly what he should do. He called a good lawyer. He called the team's security guy. He did exactly as he was advised by these people. Now it's about to be resolved, rather quietly for the league. You dont think maybe he shoulda stopped for the girl?/Just maybe?--Or are u a punk too?
  8. U R really full of cr%$#p. Gosh just a hit and run...no big deal huhh?? Im sure he checked her to make sure she wasnt injured that badly. She is just some fat chick and he is a big shot football player...let him do an afternoon at the soup kitchen???.
  9. ... If you believe in something strongly enough then fight for it...don't run away from the problem and hope someone else can fix it someday. Help fix it---be a part of the solution...that is what I moved back here with the intention of being.... Matter....its great that people move back....and I am happy for you...but the only people who can really help Buffalo are the entrepeneurs and industry moguls who can create giant projects. Someone opening a sporting goods store or a dental office or a restaurant -while perfectly noble ways to make a living--are not contributing anything significant to rebuilding a Buffalo that is really an economic mess.
  10. I see power (and possibly high tech--but i have my doubts about high tech) being Buffalo's renaissance. Would love to see a string of nuke power plants to go along with some wind and the hydro. Its time for Buffalo to jump on that. But will they? doubt it...sadly. Buffalo needs to say yes to nuclear power plants.We could supply power to a huge chunk of the country....and even get plants for electric cars to be powered by them.
  11. I love Buffalo and always praise it. --I am however baffled at how stuck in the past and uncreative the city and county leaders are re: this economy. They should be advertising nationally--BEGGING corporations to locate here...saying that they will do everything and anything to get them here.Advertise on Rush limbaugh.Oprah,The superbowl..whatever it takes. Because this economy is just causing most of the young people to flee. Its either high tech or power generation that is gonna revive Buffalo. I hope they build several nuke plants and do a serious windpower project(not the couple hundred windmills they have now).let Buffalo become a powwer center for the US.Why not??? We need to stop being so damn cynical. We need to start taking some risks in this city/county. We need to stop being afraid of making mistakes. I have been away for almost 25 years...and I visit often.Its painful to see the lack of progress here. Yes the people here are hardworking...but Buffalo needs entrepeneurs with big power and big bucks to come in.What is Buffalo?? the second worst economy in the United States for Metro areas above 1 million people???(and we may dip below 1 million if we keep going like we have). In spite of all this--I still oiove this city and it still has much to offer........but this slowness,this inflexibility,this cynical know it all attitude cant continue...unless we want to become Youngstown Ohio.
  12. well no more debt..yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  13. How about my junior football team in 1968??
  14. Nonsense. By bringing up the perception you are creating an excuse for those involved. And then you are compounding the diversion by stating that the rich white guys from the suburbs can't really understand the situation.This is a great old worn out technique of disqualifying a group of people from a discussion. So white suburb guys---just don't pass judgment cuz you just REALLY DONT KNOW......
  15. Of course I understand perception.But it doesnt belong in the discussion because it is a lame excuse. You are creating a crutch.
  16. It doesnt matter if their is SOME truth.It doesn't even deserve to be mentioned in this context. Hit and run leaving someone in the street.-Real class.--Stop being an excuse maker. --And anyway--the guy is a star athlete who has been getting his butt kissed for years if you wanna play that game. You think cops in Oakland( a good number who are black) dont have enough to do so they go and mess with innocent people to get their jollies??
  17. oh stop it.............................I know some Oakland police.They work their arses off--and don't get their jollies by messing with poor innocent people.There are more guilty people to deal with there than they can handle.
  18. Yeah--I mean the felon thing....it kinda goes with the territory that someone guilty of an offense would have the inside info on others who commit the offenses--or who do something considered cheating(Canseco). The honest guys aren't gonna know about it(cuz if they did would they really be honest guys if they didnt report it?)
  19. -You may be right...but wow an NFL ref can sure change a game with a strategic holding/interference call. Pro sports is in big trouble now with these scandals. First the Patriots titles are now worth nothing.........and now the Lakers title(s) at least one is in doubt.
  20. ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????---:)
  21. Not even close--you have to be kidding..
  22. Yeah true. I think this chick was wiggling around on the ground when they looked back at her so they knew she wasnt dead.
  23. No he didnt make a mistake. He knew exactly what he was doing when he left a girl lying in the street. The mistake was hitting her. Fleeing the scene ?...mistake my arse.
  24. wow 2.6 v% increase on an average RE price of 106K......by the time we are all dead we could make a profit on one of them
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