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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. a good QB doesnt throw that pass outside.he sees the defenders ready to clobber him
  2. really a shame--this was a winnable game. offense a disgrace and Bojo and Daboll as well
  3. that was a mess...when you have a giant duck balloon its the DBs ball just as much as the WR----good no call
  4. miracle we are still in this game w this offensive disaster going on
  5. as bad as our offense is today----we would be at least tied if Daboll tightened things up a bit. You cant sit back in the pocket w allen...and you cant have slow developing runs to the outside. Come on
  6. big drop-----add that to McKienze in the end zone...thankfully Hauschka came to play
  7. thats the best plan. wish we would have done that---we'd be leading now
  8. them too...But daboll should realize that they cant have JA--who has no peripheral vision---to sit back in the pocket when the O line is getting beat
  9. I am very impressed with the Bills today.I didnt think we could play toe to toe with the Ravens. This is huge. Now Daboll and Allen ....--and i put it mostly on Daboll--need to be much smarter.
  10. look at their last several games...they are no joke. their lead doesnt surprise me
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