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Everything posted by Tcali

  1. man they are hanging in there in the face of bad breaks/adversity....!!!
  2. Well....they are moving the ball decently--but they need to stop choking halfway thru their drives
  3. Yeah and there have been several pressures on his side also
  4. how the FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF can you challlenge that MORON Jauron
  5. justin.tv showing other games not bills....s%$@#%$
  6. yeah lets windfall tax them.........that'll help the mostly workaday guys who own most of the oil co. stock in their 401Ks
  7. and what is your religion? something very profound and completely pure I am sure.
  8. But come on... lets face it . We are all jealous. The guy has probbly 15 million in the bank. Being humungous has its rewards.
  9. lol...no way....he's been working out 6 hrs a day and has been on a low carbo diet
  10. I'd pretty much agree with your list--and the order you have ...although I may switch #s 1 &2...Top DEs are harder to find with a 2 pick.
  11. CHARGED with assault.Careful before you start smearing people. While he may be found guilty--you have to remember that some women do make things up once in a while.
  12. Yes he was. he was still a top DE...but not the God-like player he was from age 23-31.he was starting to take the occasional play off by then.
  13. The guy is still a great great football player. Use him in a way to show his talent. They screwed up slash stewart as well. What a waste that was.
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